"~y gunace Ba hay OLE EAI IS RENE FEET PRC CONE Bene IE vy Volume 5, 37 LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY September 28, 1950 FIRE PREVENTION WHEK, OCTOBER 8 to 1 LOBED 'OLE MAN ACCIDENT CAN BE BRATEN With the designation of Fire Prevention Week by the Governor-General in Gouncil for October 8-14 this year, everyone in Terrace Ba s asked to do their part and help the Fire Department in their wrk of fire prevention. If-you think that there is a fire hazard in your home call the Fire Department and an inspection will be made and advice will be given on how best to correct the hazard. Please read the table of losses by fire and the great and ever growing loss of life by fire and you will see why we should all do our part to stop this great destruction. Will you do your part now? i The Terrace Bay Fire Depertme nt is elways open for your inspection at all times and you are invited to come to the fire hall and see the equipment that is provided for fire fighting, Core any day of Fire Prevention 'feck, Boy Scouts Cubs, and Scout masters are always welcome at the fire hall, also all members of serviceclubs or any orgnnizetion who would like te make sn inspection of the fire hall. (Statistics on Py,) O=-0-G RACQUET CLUB CABARET D/NCE Tomorrow night's. tke big night and every~ thing's in readiness fora gala ot Due to canccllations, ete., there are still a few tickets to be had. for those who find Hisiamebiron in a position to attend. /nyone wishing to take adventage of these last-minute changes, is esked to contact Monty Paget immediately and he will see that they aro taken care of, o~0-0 H/LLOWEEN*® M/SQUER/.DE On October 27th, the Mohawk ..thlotic Club Will hold a Ha lloweon' Dance,. Tickets will be on sale soon. So start mking your plans now for the wig event, OnQmcy There's only one sure way to win any encounter with an enemy, no matter how overwhelming the odds may seem to be, and that is refuse to give up. Even when the battle appears to be going fairly well, it does'nt pay to get over-confident, To date this year, "ole man accident" has dropped us for e count of 9 on our lost-time accident score and while the result may be discournging we should refuse to admit that he even has e chance of con- tinuing to take his toll. The most recent mishep which opine in just one day of lost-time ended a exceptionally long run of 475 days lis had been built up by the 'Yoodyard and the entire project was working on its 40th consecutive safe day. This accident ended any chance we had of exceeding this year the 130 day record built up lest year in a single run of safe days and the 9 accidents we now have charged against us for the year gives us the maximum number we can have if we are to achieve the 6.5 frequency rate objective which we set for ths year. What we really need is 95 consecutive safe days without a disabling injury which would put us into 1951 and leave our total for the year where it now is, If every LongLac employee would take up the challenge md work the balance of the year without getting hurt, our objective could be reached, SAFETY IS EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS and when no one is injured every~ body benefits, ] o-0-0 CHILD BY CHILD & CN TECH FIRE PREVENTION