Page 3 LADIES! SOFTBALL-(Cont'd from P.1, column 1) header, The first game will start sharp at 2:30 with the night-cap due to commence at 6:30. Coach Jim McCormack has had his charges busy practising for the mst two wecks and if present form is any indic-tion the Hilda's are really in for a trimming com Sunday. Quite a fow of last year's team are back again and some of the vacancies left by those who have since departed are being capably filled by newcomers, Business manager Jack Wellings assures us that all details are in readiness to greet our fair visitors from the Lakehoad and tmt cll we need for a perfect Sunday will be to have "Ole Soltt be good to us-that day. . 0-0-0 ' MOVIES FOR THE WEEK Saturday, June 17th - "CANADIAN PACIFIC" in Technicolour starring Randolph Scott Tuesday, June 20th = 'WELCOME STRANGER" starring Barry Fitzgerald and Bing' Crosby. Patrons are asked to note the chango in Showing times to 7:00 and 9:00 p.m, on Tuesdays and Saturdays only, not four days per weck es formerly. Also please note the change in admission prices to .35¢ for adults and .10¢ for children. 0-0-0 SCHOOL FIR DRILL - (Cont'd from P.1) members of the Women's Institute wore present and acted as Judges in addition to the School Board members who acted as timers, A total of 59 scconds elapsed betweon the time the alarm was sounded until the last child was out of the school, This was accomplished by using one door only so as to give the cffect that the other door was blocked by fire, When all pupils heave been evacuated to the school yard, they stand in orderly fashion with their teacher at the head, for two reasons: (a) To ensure that they are a safe distance from the school, (b) The teachers crn count their pupils and see that they do not break formation, The Fire Department considers that this fire drill was very well done, and it speaks very well for Mr, gmith, the Principal, and his Staff. 0-0-0 COMMUNITY CHURCH COLUMN Sunday, June 18th, 11:00 a.m. service will be conducted by Rev, Ae F. Lavender, Sermon topic will be 'Little Foxes", Boy Scouts and Cubs will be in attendance at this service, There will be no evening service, The regular monthly mecting of the Board of Stewards of the Community Church will be held at 8:30 p,m. Sunday evening, June 18th, at the residence of Mr, and Mrs, George Maitland, 74 Hudson Drive, at which time severel important items are scheduled for discussion, It is gratifying to see the goodly numbers turning out for Sunday morning worship now that the summer weather is with us once more, Please note that services in the morning will be at 10:00 a.m. Sunday during July anc August only, 0-0-0 LADIES! AUXILLTARY The Community Church Ladics' Auxilliary are holding a Rummage Sale on Saturday, June 24th, from 10:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m. It is to be held in the showrooms of the Terrace Bay Enterprises Garage. There will be good used clothing, household articles ond toys, On Friday, June 23rd, there will be a house-to- house pick-up for these articles, Anyone wishing to dispose of rummage before that date is asked to turn it in to Mrs, George Maitland, o-0-0 ST. MARTIN'S PARISH Sunday, June 18th - Masses at 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. No evening devo- tions, o=-0-0 ST. MARTIN'S LADIES' GUILD The regular monthly moeting of the st, Martin's Ladies' Guild will be held at the home of Mrs,.Semeniuk, 134 Poplar Crescent, on Wednesday, June 2lst, at 8:00 p.m. o-0~0 HELP AVATLABLE - FEMALE sre you in need of domestic help, baby sitter, etc? Will accept res work by hourly, daily, weekly arrangements, If so, contact Miss Doris Thorsteinson at 147 Birch Crescent,