Page 4 CiBDIT UNION Nav Continuing our discussion re the "Safety of your money", You will "~~ pomomber that last week we discussed the conditions xelative to loans and toi governing our Credit Union. To continue;- i, momber ennnot write cheques against his deposits or share capital in the Credit Union, However, 2 member may ask for, and receive his money back, at any time, under the same conditions -s at any Bank, This is » Federal Law and no one can change or alter it in any way. Tho only thing is that, by withdrawing his money, a shareholder defeats the vory purpose for which he joined the Credit Union, He also loses the benefit of the insurance which the credit Union carries on his share capital - i.e. double indem~ nity for cae or total disability. Therefore if you intend to deposit money, just to withdraw it at a Inter date, wo recommend you to a Bank or som: such institution, The whole idea, in a nutshell, is to deposit moncy in share capital and when the need arises to take out a hoes thus 'loaving the share capitel there, where it will bo ecarning a dividend, This credit Union is a momber of the Onterio Credit Union League which protects its members with capital ranging into the millions of dollars, Therefore, if a group of Sharcholders should ask for thoir money back, and, if the Credit Union duc to loans out should not Inve the necessery funds, it can thus go to any Bank,-mke a loan there to cover these withdrawels,-and the Credit Union League will back up our note or over-draft,. If the people making tho withdrawals conscnt to give the Credit Union the legal period of time, we can make this amount es a loan from the League and will only have to pay a vory small rato of intorest, Share accounts end loans are insurcd with ths CUNA Mutual Insurance Compeny of Madison, 'Wisconsin, U.S.i.. (CUN.--Credit Union Natioml isso¢.) Tho local credit Manm.ger (Mr. H. Goodfellow) and the two local collectors (Mr, William Beillic & F. Vanior) are covered by a blanket bond of $1,000.00 with tho Lumbor- man's Mutual Casuclity Company. Thus dopositors can be sure that their money will be entered in the ledgers, deposited in the Bank and entered on their individual pass~books, In eonclusion we again wish to point out, thet all laws re banking, collection, payment, or lonn of monies apply to the Credit Union, and to you,--whethor yours is in the Credit Union or if you have money belonging to the credit Union. Watch for nost weck's Terrace Bay News. There will be points brought up about a Credit Union that will truly amaze you. Bo sure to road this column. 0-0-0 LONGL/.C CSNTURY CLUB (Momborship restricted to units having not less than 100° safo days without an on-duty disabling lost-timo accident.) In Caso of Ties, Largost Units aro Listed First. i Unit, Safco Days Unit Safe Days 1. AQministraticn Office 573 9. Service Operations 565 2. Hotel 573 10. Steam & Recovery 540 3. Technical Dopartment 573 11. Digest., Br. Stock & Sercens 397 4, Tarehous oc 573 12. Woodyard 370 5. Bleachory 573 13. Pipefitters 31 6, Bleetrical 573 14. Woodroom 309 7, Bnginecring Office 573 15. Building & Grounds 300 8. Hospital 573 16, Machine Room 167 17, Jaekladder (seasonal) 159 IN THE DOG HOUSE (Reserved for units with less than 100 sefe days) Structural - 95 Mechanical =~ 54 Kiln, Caustic & Evaps.- 21 Congratulations to the Woodynard*, Last Friday they completed an entire celendar year without a disabling injury. That's an excellent record, Keep up the good work$!! o-0-0 STORK CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Tony Dolaronde are now the proud parents of a son who arrived in i Terrace Bay in tho wee smat hours of Wednesday morning. Since last "ednesday, May 3lst, Mr. & Mrs. Sam Chicoine have another daughter to keep them pacing the floors. Just 2 more to go Sam and you can start your own ball tom.