Page $ AT vhs wOVIBS Operated by Aleana Theatres Linited. Shows at 7:15 pelle and 9215 pd. On evenings indicated, Fri. and Sat., Nov. 25th end 26th = "SORRY, WRONG NUMBER" starving Barbare Staavyck and Burt Lancaster. Mon, and Tues., Nov, 20th aad 29th - "RELENTLESS" starrin;: Lavry Parks and Margaret Chapnane Fri. atid Sate, Doce 2nd and 3rd = "MAKE BELIEVE BALLROOM", o=-0=0 CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, November e7th 9:00 asine and 10°00 a,m. - Mass will be eclebrated in St. Martin's Catholic Church. 7250 pelte -- Rosary aid Boiedictione 13.200 ae. end 7:00 pent. = Torrace Bay Community Church Service in the Church Building. 9:30 agi. ~ Comunity Church Sunday School in the Church Building. o~0#0 DISABLING INJURIES = THIS YEAR TO DATE (as of Novenber 23, 1949) Safco Days Disabling Date of Last Since Last Unit Injurics Disabling Injury Disabling Injury Services, Technical and Personiel Office 0 Nove 20/48 367 Stea, Structural and Hospital 0 Doce 14/49 344 Puly Departmont end Hotel 5 June 17/49 158 Wood Handling and Goneral. Office 5 Aug, 2/49 112 Mxintenance and Miscolla:eous Orice ae ie 101 LongLac Summary 7 Aug, 18/49 LO Sineore congratulations to unit 1 above on having completed an entire year las Su:day without a disabling lost-time accident. In that varbicular unit which includes all matezials handling, warehousing, shipping, and services performed by janitors, watch= men and mobile equipment operators as well as all lab, test station and instrument work, there are many jobs where hazards exist and all members of the departments involved may well be proud of their achievment. o-O=0 NEXT WEEK'S SAFETY SLOGAN (8:00 24%. Novenver 28th to 8:00 ace Deco or Sth) | 9-0-0 'SCOUT AND CUB MEETINGS A special meeting of Wolf Cubs anc Seouts will be held on Friday evening, Cubs will meet at 6:30 and Scouts at 7:30, It is urgent- ly requested by the Scout and Cubmastors that every boy be present:at this meeting for rehearsal of the Flag Dedication ceremony. Sundey morning a Church Parade will be held with services at St. Martin's Chureh ene the Cormunity Church, All. Scouts and Cubs arc asked to attend. Plens are now complete for the Dedication Service to be held in the Legion Hall. Saturday night at 7:45 oem. It is especially desired that all attending be seated by 7:40 Deile as the program will commence ab 7:45 sharpe Distriet Scout Comissioner Mr. H, R. Collver and his party of District Scout Masters end Scout Leaders will arrive in Terrace Bay Saturday noon when they will be take on a tour of the Mill and Towmsite. The Dedication Service in the evening will be held under the Chairmanship of Mr. D. C. Porter, unveiling of the Clartcr and investiture of the Scort Leaders will be undertaken by the District Comszissioncr. Dedication of Flags will. be handled by Rev. Father Roenicke and addressed by Reve jc Laverider. Following the scrvice the Ladies of the Scout organization will hold a social hour with refreshments being served, 0-0-0 FOR SALE = Siiwtons svudio couch, suitable for a double bed, covered in a wine rep. Apply "70 Lanier Avenuc, D, McDonald.