Volume 4, No. 35 LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY September 22, 1949, nme A A A EE TE te ee eee ae oe ~ Se = ---- + ome. Rae aR Tae cee ae Rerum eee SL A A a Rat eee oe Remy ee Re "A NIGHT IN VIENNA" TO BE PRESENTED AT TERRACE BAY One of the things which some people , miss most in a small community is good music, .The cost of bringing good coneert artists to small communities is generally prohibitive. However, residents of Terrace Bay and the surrounding district will have the opportunity of enjoying a real musical treat on Thursday evening, November 3rd when "A Night in Vienna" will be presented at the Recreation Hall under the sponsorship of the Terrace Bay Community Recreation Committee. i The concert artists who will appear in this production are regular members of the cast of "Theatre Under The Stars" which during the summer months caters to from 4,000 to 5,000 people nightly at Vancouver, British Columbia, "A Night in Vienna" is the brain-child of Basil Horsfall, a musical conductor and composer for many years both in Great Britain and Canada. As senior musical director of Vancouver's famed "Theatre Under The Stars" Mr. Horsfall saw many brilliant Canadian stars leave regularly for United States and Europe and decided something should be done about it, In looking for an answer to the problem, Mr, Horsfall was fully aware of another im- portant factor - people in small towns are hungry for the best musical entertainment avail- able, so he put two and two together. And so, three years ago, "A Night in Vienna" left Vancouver for a try-out tour and its success was phenomenal, Everywhere capacity audiences were thrilled by the entertain- ment. Last year an expanded tour took the company from the Yukon to Nova Scotia with the same hearty audience approval. On November 3rd this group consisting of Vera Bryson, Soprano, Winnifred Hutt, Mezzo- Soprano, Boris Fawcett, Baritone, and Karl Norman, Tenor will be at Terrace Bay with their director Basil Horsfall in the program "A Night in Vienna" most of which is in costume, Tickets for the event will be on sale shortly and admission has been set at the very nom- inal level of $1.00 per person, Further details as to the program will be announced short- "ly. ' 0-0-0 ATTENTION BOWLERS Now that the summer program is behind us and our minds are working on , ; what we expect to do throughout the long cold winter months in the way of recreation, right off the bat we think of Bowling. It's a fact that the alleys have not yet been installed, however we do know that we will be using them before too long. So we might as well start thinicing about who we would like to bowl with or bowl for. If you think that you'd like to bowl with the boys that you work with, start talking in that direction, see whoever you think would make a good Captain for a Departmental team, If you'd like to bowl with a social or fraternal group, start shopping around in that group. In regard to mixed teams, you might find that the wife or girl-friend and yourself want to bowl with some of your neighbours or once again it might be a social group of mixed couples. The same would apply to Ladies! teams. Whatever the case may be, it's not too early to start think- ing about it. One thing to remember though, No Entries are being accepted at present. Just make a mental note of your findings and watch the News for further developments. 0-0-0 CREDIT UNION BEING ORGANIZID The organizational meeting of the Terrace Bay Community ai Credit Union will be held on Friday, September 23rd at 7:30 pom. in the Community Hall across from the Post Office, The meeting has been called by Harry Goodfellow, Chairman of a committee established by the Local Union, to organize a Credit Union, It should be noted, however, that membership in the Credit Union will be open to all residents of the Community. Mr. Allan Grant of Fort William, district organizer, will be present along with other representatives of Lakehead Credit Unions and all Terrace Bay residents are cordially in- vited to attend the meeting at which an election of officers will be held,