Page e WATCH THOSE FLIES This last week of balmy, summer weather has seen people diligently working in their gardens, mowing their lawns, and generally adding to the natural beauty of the town, And of course the fisherman has been busy making preparations for a long, profitable fishing season. The children are eagerly looking forward to sumer holidays and freedom once more. However, with the good must come the bad and so we have another season of flies... black-flies, mosquitoes, sand-flies, and house flies are but a few. They are,the great= est nuisance of the summer season and proper precautions rust be taken to prevent serious results from fly bites. Just a word of advice to ardent fishernien.... include in your box of equipment a bottle of fly lotion.... there are many goods brands on the market.... this will not only make fishing more enjoyable, but will prevent the ohances of infection from fly bites, Apply the lotion liberally and frequently. others, protect the children from fly-bites by liberal applications of fly lotion especially when they are running about in play-suits and so much of their bodies are unprotected. Flies breed in filth and transmit the germs to humans by means of the hair-like follicles on their legs. So to prevent an infestation of flies and the germs they carry in such abundance remember these precautions; (1) Keep the yard clear of underbrush and other debris. (2) Place garbage, wrapped in newspaper, in a covered garbage can, (3) Spray screen windows and doors with a D.D.T. spray. (4) Use fly lotion freely for the whole family when out-doors, (5) If a person is bitten by flies bathe the area with a solution of baking soda and water to relieve the discomfort. (6) If swelling and in- flammation persists, notify the doctor immediately. Remember.... fly bites may cause infection if not properly taken care Of...ece 0-0-0 SCOUTS AND WOLF CUBS A meeting will be held Friday evening, June 17th in the Legion Hall for Scouts and Wolf Cubs. Wolf Cubs will meet at 6:30 p.m, Scouts will meet at 7:30 p.m, It is particularly important that all attend this meeting as leaders will be chosen to head the various groups, (Patrol Leaders for Scouts, Sixers for Cubs). Arrangements are going ahead to hold a Weiner Roast on Saturday, June 25th, as this will be the first,outing for the boys, it is planned to make it a bang up affair. "Be Prepared" "Scouting Builds Character". 0-0-0 GYMNASIUM CLUB FORMING lLongLac employees interested in forming a gymnasium club please sign notices posted in all bunk houses or contact Bob Young - in the Woodroom, O=O#0 SPECIAL LEGION MEETING All Legion members are reminded of the special meeting Monday, June 20 at 7:45 p.m. in the Legion Hall, 0-0-0 VOTH AS YOU LIKE BUI VOTE Polling hours for the Federal Election on June 27th will be from 8:00 asm. to 6:00 p.m. standard time, According to voting regulations all employees who are electors must have three consecutive hours on election day during the time when the polls are open to cast their votes. Those who are on the 8 to 4 shift, as well as office staff, will be permitted to leave their jobs at 5300 p.m. on election day. This applies of course only to those who have a vote, Much is being said these days about freedom in democratic countries and one of those freedoms is the right to vote for the party of our choice. We would, therefore, like to take this opportunity of urging each and every voter at Terrace Bay to "VOTE AS YOU LIKE BUT VOTE", 0-0-0 ATTENTION ALL BOXERS 11 those interested in boxing are asked to give their names to Bill Delmage, Frank Williams, or Edward Ives or to be at the Legion Hall at 7:00 p.m, on Friday, June 17th. 0-0-0 BAKE SAT™ St. idartin's Catholic Guild are sponsoring a baked goods sale in the Hudson's Bay Store on Friday, June 24th. Cakes, cookies, candy and bread will be on display sturting at 2:00 p.m.