LONGLAC PULP AND PAPER CO, LTC aa alee nde sae ee a NE a Io AC A ES ALTE AR ceca A GREETINGS . FROM ri oe ww 9 eset In extending Season's Greetings to you at this time, it is only fitting that those who have been accountable for what has been accomplished to date at Terrace Bay should express their sincere appreciation and deep gratitude for the untiring efforts which have been expended by all who have been associated with the LongLac project, as employees, as contractors, as suppliers, or in any other capacity. It is only through the combined cooperative efforts of literally thousands of people, that so much has been accomplished at Terrace Bay since preliminary surveys were underteken late in 1945, 'hile the future will undoubtedly witness many changes as this new community expands, Terrace Bay, with its mill producing, and townsite established has "arrived", and as has been stated before it is truly "a tribute to the free-enterprise system of this great North American continent". And now as we enter into the spirit of the approaching Yuletide Season, may we all with grateful hearts give thanks for the "way of life" which continues to afford us the opportunity of extending such hearfelt grectings as: "A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All". Hamilton S, Craig, General Menager, <cicsilin deni sneer <nifinsiipihannataininiaesneeatininnatiantiine-vicnatninatimen inet oth PO ALO SOIL During this season of the year, symbols play an important part in our lives by creating lasting impressions, The Christmas Tree, the Holly, the Mistletoe, the Christmas Candle, the Christmas Stocking, the Christmas Carol, and Santa Claus - all are symbols which have their place, and so it should be. Of particular significance to all of us at Terrace Bay is the fact that this new community of ours, developed as it has been by the combined efforts of so many, is in itself a symbol - a symbol of what can be accomplished by the cooperation of people who are free to choose where they shall work, where they shall live, and where they shall worship. In many lends to-day, such freedom of choice is not a reality. That so many have freely chosen to "east their lot" with us in the operetion and develcpment of a new community and industry, is indeed gratifying, and as we all work together in the weeks, months and yearsahead, may the true Spirit of Christmas be the basis of all our undertakings, since Christmas virtually symbolizes the good in man which is so often lost sight of in our day-to-day routine. On behalf of LongLac management, may I now teke this opportunity of extending Best Wishes for a Happy Holiday Season and to those who are travelling to spend the Yuletide with friends or relatives, a pleasent journey and a safe return. D. C. Porter, Mill Manager,