Vol. 3 No. 44 LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY NOVEMBER 11, 1948 antes -- no ene gen et pert ee ee AF + Ne ROOT Tn nen ene ocean eee SSSESS SS SS iC CC Met aerogenes eee SSS = = ---- a rrr rs ST MARTIN'S HALLOWE'EN DANCE HUGE SUCCESS' More than 300 residents of Terrace Bay and f nearby communities flocked to the Recreation Hall on Friday evening, October 29th, for the Hallowe'en dance sponsored by St. Martin's Ladies' Guild. Featured at the dance was music by an orchestra from Marathon, Ontario, "The Marathonians", and the misic provided was enjoyed by all. Costumes were optional, and some 40 couples resorting to all types of regalia appeared in many sizes, shapes and ferms as gypsies, pirates, gay ninties characters, comic strip cut-ups, and "beautiful ladies". Along about midnight, the Master of Ceremonies, Eldon Marostica, took charge of a parade of those costumed, and prizes for the costumes were aWarded as follows: Best Costumed Couple - Mary Letain and Des Larkin (Hydro); Best Costumed Married Couple - Mr. and Mrs, Ted Jones, Jr.; Best Costumed Individual - Bill Gibson. JudgeS for the contest were Ed Cavanaugh, Rilph Shemanski and Stu Neuville. Those in charge of arrangements for the dance included the following: Chairman - lirs. R. J. Shemanski; Tickets - Mrs. Hugh Boudreau; Refreshments - Mrs. Gordon Bird; Decorations Miss Terry Paulmert; Checking - Pete Heintskill; In Charge of Ticket Takers + Jim Piette. 0-0-0 CANADA SAVING LOAN SALES AT TERRACE BAY EXCEED $50,000 While final figures are not available at the present time more than 100 LongLac Pulp and Paper Company employees have purchased a total of at least 50,000 in third series Canada Saving Loan Bonds, By the time the campaign is completed it is expected that the saleswill have more than doubled those of last year. As the books will be closed at the end of the current week all employees on the LongLac payroll who are still interested in making "last minute" purchases are requested to contact the Personnel Office tn the event that canvassers have completed their work in the particular department where the employee is working. Bonds may be purchased in denominations of $50.00 up to $1000.00 in any one name. They carry interest for a ten year period at 22% and may be cashed at any bank at any time for the full face value plus interest to date. Since Canada Savings Bonds are backed by the entire resources of the country there is no finer investment and for many of us saving by the Payroll Savings Plan is the only way to save regularly. 0-0-0, TWO DAY LEATHER SLIPPER MAKING COURSE UNDERWAY Commencing this morning in the Recreation Centre, approximately eighteen ladies of the community commenced a two-day Leather Slipper Making Course under the sponsorship of the Terrace Bay Women's Institute. The instructress for the course, Miss Audrey Spencer of Toronto, is associated with the Women's Institute Branch and Home Ecoriomits Service of the Ontario Provincial Department of Agriculture. Miss Spencer is one of nearly forty people working for the department who instruct in such subjects as food,.crafts, clothing and family living, all part of the regular Women's Institute program. Courses covering such subjects as indicated above are conducted in hundreds of small communities throughvul the province. The cost of the service thus rendered is assumed by the Department of Agriculture. The cost of the two-day course to individuals participating is only 25¢ plus material. It is particularly interesting to note that this is the first time that a craft instructress has been brought to this new community, and from the interest cxhibited there is every reason to believe that the many craft minded people at Terrace Bay will want to receive instructions in different crafts as leaders are available for the purpose. 0-0-0 COMMON SENSE PREVENTS ACCIDENTS