oe eemenatnae ie ne nae Volo: Now 43 LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY OCTOBER 28, 1948 = ee Ne JACK WELLINGS ELECTED PRESIDENT OF CURLING CLUB The Semi-Annual meeting of the Terrace 4 Bay Curling Club was held in the Recreation Hall on Thursday cvening, October 21st. The meeting opened with the retiring president Rune Ostling in the chair. The minutes of the Annual Meeting held in the spring were read by the secretary, Ruth Bangartt and adopted on a motion from Jack Wellings, seconded by Gordon Bird. President Ostling then announced that 2 constitution had been drefted for ratification by members of the Curling Club, and following the reading of this constitution it was adopted, with minor changes, unanimously. One of the major items in the constitution will bring about the affiliation of the Terrace Bay Club with the Northwestern Ontario Curling Association. During the course of the meeting the retiring treasurer, George Reid, reported thet the Club had approximately $525.00 in the bank, but a bill of about $125.00 would have to be paid on the return of curling rocks which at prescnt were being sharpened. It was indiceted that avoilable money would probebly be used to furnish the club room, The following officers were elected for the '48 + 149 curling season: Honorary President, C. W, Nolson; Past President, Rune Ostling; President, Jack Wellings; lst Vice-Pres., Gordon Birds; 2nd Vice-Pres., H. S. Craig; Secretary, Gordon Dodge; Treesurer, Harold Marsh; Chaplin, Rev. As Fe Lavender; Executive llembers:- Bill Lowe, Alex MacDonald, Ruth Bengartt, Glen Lumbers and Jack Johnson; Trustees:+ Doug Colquhoun, Fred Soughton and Monty Paget; Auditers:- Frenk Madden and Georse Coulter. After thanking the members for the honour of election to the presidency, Jack Wellings raised the question of policy regarding mixed curling et Terrace Bay. Following numerous comments by club mombers, it was unandnously eereed to continue mixed curling for the coming: season, The question of membership fees was then discussed and a decision reached... Member- ship fees for the coming year will be $7.50 per person, Last year the fees were $10.00 for men and $5.00 for ladics, Prior to adjournment, tribute was paid to George Reid for his efforts on behalf of the Curling Club as treasurer during last season. George has now left Terrace Bay, md his active interest in the Club will be missed. Curling facilities at Terrace Bay involve - two shect curling rink which was constructed last fall by volunteer labour. During the season which followed, Curling Club Memborship rose to approximately 125 ardent curlers. O-0=0 HOCKEY ASSOCIATION ELECTS BILL BORSUM 4S PRESIDENT Terrace Bay hockey enthusiasts met in the old Personnel Building, Lower Camp, last Friday evening to start the bali rolling for the forthcoming season, In the chair was the retiring president Ed Brady.' In his opening remarks, Ed announced uae the hockey rink was now in shape ready for flooding, that the club had approximately #500 .0O in the bank, and that all equipment belonging to the Hockey association had been dry cleaned. The question of an clection of officers was considered and it Was decided that the election would be held in order to give the officers the opportunity of getting activities organized early. After some discussion, it was agrecd that the executive would consist of five members, plus 2 representative from cach hockey tcam at Terrace Pave Minor hockey for youngsters in the community was then considered snd it wes decided that one person would be elected to the oe whose sole responsibility would be the opment of young hockey pleyers and minor teams. Tse ie Pcaken a Foilowet President, Bill Borsum; Vice-Pres., Harold Marsh3 Secretary-Tresurer, Eldon Merostica; Minor Hockey Representative, Dave MacDonald; Publicity, Equipment and Game Officials, Harry Ganja.