PO ig ALL DOGS AT TERRACE BAY MUST BE LICENSED ~~ By-Law #17 has: been' passed by the Board of : se Trustées of The Improvement Distriet of Terrase Bay for regulating and licensing all dogs in the community. License fees are as follows: Dog - $2.00, 'Bitch - $4.00. Spayed bitch - $2,00 providing a certificate in writing from a Veterinary Surgeon is produced, Owners of all dogs are advised to register same with the Secretary-Treasurer in the Town Office, Personnel Building at once, and procure a 1948 Tag for each dog, For a breach of any of the provisions of this By-Law a penalty of $25.00 and costs for the first offence, and $50.00 and costs for each additional offence -is BRM es Copy of this By-Law is posted in the Post Office Building. Wo Strutt, Secretary-Treasurer, The Corporation of The Improvenent District of Terrace Bay. o=0-0 ST. MARTIN'S MENS CLUB ORGANIZED & general meeting of the men of St. Martin's Parish was held last Sunday, June 20th, conducted by R. li, Schneble. In the absence of the pastor, Rev. Father J. J. Delaney, 'ir. Schneble outlined the purpose of calling the meeting, stressing the fact that collectively the men would be able to assist in many ways agp ¥eerwark of the Church, as well as being an asset to the community in providing to itg welfare. The election of officers followed with the following results: President - Peter E. Mazza; Vice-President - E, P. Marnell; Secretary - James M. Piette; Treasurer - Paul E. Boudreau, In accepting their positions, the officers extended their appreciation for the con- fidence bestowed upon them, and pledged their assistance to the success of the club. The elected officers were granted the power to conduct an immediate meeting, at which time chairmen of various committces would be elected, who would automatically become executive members. In turn the chairmen would be instructed to study the wishes of their respective committces in order to present suggestive plans to the membership for final approvel. 4 further meeting of the St. Martin's Men's Club which is open to all men of St. Martin's Parish is scheduled for the near future. Those wishing to become members of the club are requested to contact any of the elected offers and also to be present at the next meeting which will be announced later, 0-0-0 WOMENS' INSTITUTE The regular monthly meeting of the Womens! Institute was held at the home of lirs. R. Harris, Hudson Drive on Monday evening June 2lst. Following the business meeting, lirs, R. Ostling gave a very interesting report on the annual district meeting of Womens! Institutes held at South Gillies on June 8th. iirs, Mi. R. Lemon then instructed the ladies on how to smock, Her efforts were sincerely appreciated and enjoyed by everyone present. Lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs, G. laitland and lirs. C. Knauff. Meetings of the Womens! Institute will be discontinued during the months of July and August. The September meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. F. 0, Soughton, 67 Leurier Avenues 0-0=0 PLAYGROUND SUPERVISION The following ladies will supervise the children's playground in the Townsite between the hours of 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 pam, during the week commencing June 28th, Monday - June 28th - Mrs. W. Rudolf and Mrs. F. 0. Soughton Tuesday - June 29th - Mrs, J. Isbester and Mrs. W. Lowe Wednesday - June 30th - Mrs. T. Turner and irs. R. Harris Thursday - July lst - lirs. A. Greenfield and Irs. R. Frick Friday - July 2nd - irs, V. Hansen end lrs, D. McDonald Any ladies in the Townsite who are not members of the Institute and who would like to assist in the supervision of the playground, are kindly requested to give their names to either Mrs, R. Osling, 136 Poplar Crescent or lirs. R. Harris, 92 Hudson Drive, 0-0-0 DEATH IS SO PERMANENT AND SO MANY TIMES SO NEEDLESS