vee id No. oe LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR'S VISIT, JUNE 8TH June 8th will be a very important day in the history of the Terrace Bay project. This will be the occasion of the laying of the cornerstone of the new mill of the LongLac Pulp and Paper Company Limited by His Honour, Ray Lawson, 0.B.H., L.L.D., Lieutanant Governor of Ontario. The actual ceremony will commence at 4:30 p.m. at the Millsite. Free bus service at approximately fifteen minute intervals will be operated during the afternoon from the Townsite to the mill for the convenience of all residents. On the 4:15 p.m. trip the school children are to be picked up at the Terrace Bay School in the Townsite and will go in a group to the ceremony. All persons on the premises on Tuesday, June 8th are cordially invited to attend this dedication, and all work on the project will cease at 4:15 p.m. There will be a tea in honour of Mrs. Ray Lawson, wife of His Honour, The Lieutenant Governor. This is to be held in the Recreation Centre at 5:00 p.m. 01.070 SPEED LIMIT TO BE ENFORCED 'The speed limit within the Townsite area and the Camp areas is 15 m.p.h. and is to be enforced. As we have no sidewalks, we must protect all pedestrians, particularly the children of the Townsite. Drivers of ell vehieles ere asked to heed this warning..sseccece . OOO WHEN THE SIREN SOUNDS In the event of e fire alarm all persons hot actually designated as fire fighters 'ateached tothe Volunteer Fire Brigade should" keep off the roads, in order. to leave; vehicles-a clear passage on their way to fight the - fire. Vehicles which are not carrying fire fighters: should also keép clear of roads leading to the scene of -the fire. Your cooperation on this. will" 'assist greatly. fee cia 0-0-0 ME JUNE 7TH On Monday, June 7th the date of the Provincial Election, all employces will be given time off to vote between either 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m. or 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Each employee should arrange with his Foreman or Supervisor the time mos - convenient. It is your duty as a Canadian citizen to vote for the candidate and party of your choice, The following are the qualifications of a voter: (1) British subject. (2) of the full age of twenty-one years (3) a resident and domiciled in the electoral district (4) is and has been continuously, from a date twelve months prior to the date affixed for holding the voll at the election, a resident and domiciled in Ontario. VOTING 73 OGG WOODLANDS DEPARTMENT NEWS Advice. has just been received from our Woodlands Department at LongLac, Ontario, that a forest fire is raging out of control in an area about. two miles west of LongLac on the Trans-Canada Highway. The fire broke out north of the highway on May 31st and despite the efforts of a large crew of men, it jumped the highway and spread rapidly to the south. Woodlands Camp 14 has been totally destroyed, along with camp and fire fighting equipment, The last report states that the fire has again crossed the highway and is heading north toward the Kenogamisis River. o 00 NEWLYWEDS WELCOMED BACK Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Brady have taken up residence at 194 Leurier Avenue, following their recent marriage (May 17th) in Humbercrest United Church, Toronto. be ©) OO MAGAZINES FOR HOSPITAL There will be a collection of magazines from the Townsite homes on Monday, June 7th. :