Page 4, LNGLERS CONTEST ANNOUNCED At an executive meeting of the Terrace Bay Fish and Gane ce Association held April 13th, plans were laid for the Second Amnual Anglers Contest. _ Although some details have yet to be worked out, the contest will be operated fron May lst to September 15th along lines similar to last year's contesti The contest will be divided into four classes: Lake Trout, Speckled Trout, Pike and Pickerel, with a minimum of three prizes for each class. As a special incentive to the feminine population who are rod and reel enthusiasts; a ladies prize will be put up in each class apart from the regular prizes, althcugh the regular contest is open to all comers who reside in the Improvement District of Terrace Bay. All entrants in the con- test must be members of the Terrace Bay Fish and Game Association. Fish |entered must be caught in the immediate vacinity. No person will be permitted to win morte than one prize. The official judge and weighing-in centre will be announced in a few days. Chairman of the contest for the second time is piscatorial enthusiast (we used the same term last year) "Rupe" Clowes. In charge of prizes is Dave McDonald. Publicity ~ Fred Soughton. ' Membership buttons for the 1948 Season may be procured on payment of $1.00 member- ship fee to any member of the. executive which includes: President Doug Johnson, Vice- President Ed Cavanaugh, Secretary Paul Boudreau, and Executive Members Dave McDonald, Ted Jones, George Coulter, and Rupe Clowes. rare} The Terrace Bay Fish and Game Association is'affiliated with the Northwestern Ontario Conservation Federation which includes fish, game, and conservation organizations from Marathon on the east to the,Manitoba border. OjiO® ST. MARTIN'S CATHOLIC GUILD There will be a' meeting of St. Martin's Catholic Guild at the home of Mrs. Ed Cavanaugh, 128 Poplar Crescent at 8:00 p.m. o'clock April 2lst. All Catholic women and girls are cordially invited to attend, 000 SOFTBALL RUMBLINGS 'With bright spring days here now - and the snow disappearing fast - sports minded individuals are talking about the coming ball season and even the girls are involved. Joan Berezowski, Catherine McKeen and Irene Edmond are heading up a movement to get girls softball operating at Terrace Bay this year, and as a direct result of their cfforts a meeting will be held in the Personnel Office on Monday April 19th at 7:30 p.m. Later in the week, on Friday the 23rd in the Recreation Centre, at 7:00 p.m, the men will meet to discuss plans for a house league, All bell players, and persons interested are cordially invited to be present at one or the other of the above meetings. It's not too early to get organized for the season ahead, 000 ' CONGRATULATIONS We are most happy to learn of the safe arrival at Terrace Bay Hospital of a 7 1b. 5 og daughter, Vanda Elaine, born to Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Rowlandson, 51 Hudson Drive. on O aa) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MOR were) hy ; ' 1 = Rose coloured upholstered high back chair - This chair has never been used. A wonderful. buy at a-saving. Apply Mr. or Mrs. R. T. Sheppard, 132 Poplar Crescent, 0,0 0 Kindly submit all articles and address all communications to Editor-in-chief, F. 0. Soughton.