LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY a nn ne ne sn wicoeen sinatra tear iieinaae incense AO Ae: Ht 68? SE CALL SORES 6 CCA OES LOO ASCO ON ~ MEMBERS OF SCHREIBER BADMINTON On Wednesday evening, April 7th, members of the CLUB VISIT TERRACE BAY Schreiber Badminton Club were guests of the Terrace ' ' Bay Badminton Club at the Recreation Centre where three badminton courts are in use every Wednesday evening throughout the: regular season, _ Members of the Schreiber Club making,the trip were: Mary Coons, Marj Sayers, Mildred D'Arcy, Helen D'Arcy, Marjory Gauley, Rita Carleton, Gwen Hadley, Lilly Bryson, Arnold Ermel, Cecil Masicotte, Peuvo Pelto, Eddie Downey and Bud Alsorn. A large number of Terrace Bay members greeted the visitors, Following friendly games arranged by John Tutecky and Walt Lemiski which continued until after 10:00 p.m., a delicious lunch was served by a committee in charge of Club Secretary Gladys Irvine which included: Jeanne McCord, Morah Guest, Stevie Markevich, Mary Cunningham, Catherine Maltese and Colleen Stokes (Don Brand and Walt Lemiski poured). At the close of the lunch, Vice-President John Tutecky welcomed and introduced all Schreiber guests as well as the executive of the Terrace Bay Club, Club President Monty Paget was absent due to illness. Speaking in reply on be- half of the Schreiber members, Arnold Ermel expressed the thanks of the visitors, Members of the Badminton Club executive would like to take this opportunity of thank- ing everyone who so generously provided sandwiches, cakes and cookies for the lunch. An indication that "a good time wads had by all" was the fact that following the lunch and speeches, badminton was resumed and play continued until about 12:50. 0-0-0 ANNUAL B/.NQUET TO CLOSE ai ' "CURLING SEASON Although actual curling ended ten days ago, Terrace Bay's first curlihg season will hot close officially until Thursday April 15th when the First Annual Banquet of the Curling Club will be held, Elaborate plans are being made for this affair under the direction of the Club executive and there is every indication that it will be an event long to be remembered, In addition to the fun planned, trophies and prizes will be presented, a constitution submitted, and officers will be elected for the '48-'49 season. Admission is limited:to club members and tickets are 91,00. The banquet is scheduled for 8:30 p.m. 0-0-0 IT WON'T BE LONG NOW When people start to talk about the coming fishing season, and comments are heard about an /anglers contest and tennis courts and when the boys start to talk about getting organized for the coming ball season, its asgood an indication as any that ole man winter is just about licked. o-0-0 WILD LIFE WEEK April 4th-l0th is "Wild Life Week" in Canada. The idea behind the nation- al period is to encourage citizens to observe all conservation measures designed to protect a national heritage-our wild life-which brings to mind the fact that the speckled trout season does not open officially until May lst. , 0-0-0