Page e. HCUSE LEAGUE TEAM STANDINGS Played Won Lost Ticd Points Office Staff 5 5 be ot e Fraser Brace "A" i 3 a a 7 Mechanics 5 fe S 0 4 Fraser Brace "Bl S O B 0 O Feb. 8th Fraser Brace "A" 6 Fraser Prace "BU e Feb. 9th Fraser Brace "All 5 Onirece Start 4 GAMES COMING UP Semi-Final Playoffs Sunday Feb, 25th 20250 aims Fraser Brace VA" vs, Office. Statt Honday Feb. 16th '8:50 p.m. Fraser Brace 'B!" vs,' Mechanical Dept. Wednesday Feb. 18th 8:50 p.m. Fraser Brace "A" vs, Office Staff Sunday Feb. 2end 10:30.a.m. Fraser Brace "A" vs, Mechanical Dept. House league finals to be played February e5th, 29th, and March rd, if necessary. HOUSE LEAGUE HOCKEY TROPHY DONATED The Terrace Bay Hockey Association would like to BY NORTHERN WOOD PRESERVERS LIMITED take this opportunity of extending sincere thanks to Northern Wood Preservers Limited of Port Arthur, for their donation of a plaque which will be used for annual competition in the Terrace Bay Hockey House League. The offer was made on behalf of Northern Wood Preservers by their General 'Superintendent, lir. S. F. Mack, BADMINTON TCURNAMENT Highlight of the first night of play in the Doubles Badminton Tournament which started "Wednesday February llth, was the game between Peter Kerr and Freda Knight, who defeated Jerry Chow and Ellen Hodgkiss by a elel9 score. Play in the Tournament will be deferred now until February 25th because of a Longlac staff meeting scheduled for the 18th, on which night there will be regular Badminton All winners in the Tournament to date will compete for the main prizes while the losers go into a Consolation Series for which prizes also have been alloted. Results of Games Played: Peter Kerr and Freda Knight defeated Jerry Chow and Ellen Hodgkiss; 'Jalt Lemiski and Mary Cunningham defeated John Sterling and Gladys Irvine; John Babiak and Marg Kiff defeated Fred Soughton and Mary Wakeham; Joe Campbell and Kathy Tracey defeated Jim 'Ihyte and Stevie Markovitch; Bob Loring and Doreen Lindberg defeated John Tutecky and Mabel Marriott; Jack Enstrom and Marg Storey defeated Ray McWardle and Jean McCord; Monty Paget and Irma Waara defeated Willy Stock and Mary Letain; Bill Lowe and A, Colquhoun by default from Chas, Wakeham and Shiela Lowe; Bert Allen and Grace Noer by default from R. Blanchette and Kay Biesenthal. o-O-0 CHURCH SERVICES The following church services will be held at Terrace Bay on Sunday, February Loths 9:30 a.m, = Terrace Bay Community Church in the Recreation Centre. 10:00 asm. - Mass will be celebrated in the Terrace Bay Recreation Hall. 2:00 psm. - Community Church Sunday School in the school house, 0-0-0 TAKE NO CHANCES WITH INFECTION EVEN MINOR SCRATCHES NEED ATTENTION ' : 4