AT THE WATER INTAKE ON LAKE SUPERIOR | 25 July 1947 p 3 There has been some misunderstanding about the true nature of the job being carried out on the shore of Lake Superior. This site has been chosen for the location of the main pumphouse which will supply all the normal demands of water to the Townsite and the Mill. The actual work on the site divides itself into two phases at present. First, there is the erection of the pumphouse and the in- stallation of motors, pumps and accessories; second, there is the taks of laying 1600 feet of 48-inch concrete pipe in a ditch dug approximately 10 feet below the bottom of the lake. The third phase of the job, that of laying a 36-inch steel pipe line from the pumphouse to the mill, is not expected to begin until next year. Excavation for the pumphouse has been partially completed. The Sheet piling, that has been driven, is a retaining wall in which the clear well will be onstructed. The stiff leg derrick on the site has been used, up to the present, for clamming the sand out of the coffer dam and for driving the sheet piling. An air compressor has been in- stalled on the site to provide air for the drive hammer. The actual work of laying the concrete pipe under water has not begun. Derrick 'umber 5 of Candian Dredge and Dock is busy building a pier on the far west side of the bay for the purpose of protection from rough weather and as an aid to loading the concrete pipe on to a scow when the pipe laying operations get under way. The work down on the shore of Lake Superior will be one of the most interesting phases of the entire project.