Page 3 JOB NODES. | een Bill McNaughton of the Hydro surveyors was with us last week, Bill was Pea ye soil conditions for the prposed highway overpass crossing the C,P,R, "int was his core drill rig you noticed south of the Personnel office, tain Line', 230 00~ The materials for the construction program are really rolling in, On one day aAkone last week 2L carloads were checked through the warehouse, =Q00-> Those monstrous § yard trucks that have been passing back and forth to the a art of the equipment being "sed by Renown Construction Company to haul agit Dig : WILLS Veo A Oa Te agerorate to the batching plant. =O0G= Everyone Imows that April lst is April Tool's Day, but we had difficulty getting informa bion rerarding: % the sipnifigance of the day. Me, LoF. MacRae, Chief Librian of the Fort William Public Library was able to throw. sore light om the subject, 4pparently the origin of .11 Fool! Day (which is the authentic name for the day) is nob ccrtain, Some schools of thought believe that it originated at the tine when New Years Day: was changed from A i 2st to J:nuary lst, Pranks were played upon those who did nt subscribe to Luge Another svory has it thet ALL Wool's Ley was the one day in the year when court Jesters coudid pi. any ind ie prank in court withous running the danger of being beheaded. AG any, rate, its a great dey for the) youngstcrs and some, of the grown up youngsters too, AN APOLOGY Tie editor?g apologies go to Les and George Duggan for failing to mention their presoncé on the job a year ago, in last week*s editorial, Les and George were amone the first at Terrace Bay, as they were with the diamond drill crews, investigating. soil conditions , [PROMPTU DANCES On Monday , bi ad 'sCay and Saturday evenings last week, the guys and gals gathered in the Reereation Hall for impromptu' dances, | Before long we?1l no doubt boast an orchostra at Torvace Bay as the gang had a Lot of fun dancing while the boys rehearsed, »Q00- Woitressi-(noticine Oswald Wizziemunk's ae mpt appearance) "Oswald, do you file your nails' No, 1 throw *em away after I cut *en"