8 NORSHORE SENTINEL Thursday, April 20, 1961 RED ROCK SPORTS CHAMPIONS ALL These three groups were all declared sports champions in Red Rock last week. AT TOP, meet the winning team in the Red Rock Mixed Bowling league over the winter months, from left to right, Ron Roy, Pat Roy, Elo Willman, Peggy Sutton and Ken Sutton. AT CENTRE, the winners of the first event in the St. Lawrence Corporation bonspiel last week, from left to right, skip Lloyd Stansell, third Gladys Young, second Larry Heppler and lead Margaret Button, AT BOTTOM, the Arlene Mabelson rink recent winners of the Pharmacy Ladies Curling trophy, from left to right, skip Mabelson, lead Joan Ska-bar and third Edna Bridgeman. THE CHAPEL FLORIST Opens Saturday on Front St., Nipigon. TEEN CONFERENCE RARE EXPERIENCE FOR ALL Three hundred and fifty teenage delegates and 50 counsellors from 20 Northwestern Ontario communities gathered in Kenora Thursday April 6 to Sunday April 9 to participate in the ’9th Annual Youth Conference sponsored by the Recreation Directors' Society, Community Programs Branch the Kenora Teen Club, the Ken-ora Recreation Committee and the citizens of the host community. Lectures, followed by the discussion periods were given by Dr. Michael Grapko, University of Toronto, Harry Parsonns Director of the Lakehead Planning Board and Bud Thomas of the community programs branch, Dept, of Education. At the end of each discussion period, teenage recorders reported the findings of their group to the entire gathering. The Teen Queen Contest, one of the high lights of the conference, had a total entry of 18 lovely young girls who gave their autobiographies, and displayed their talents ,to a panel of five judges. Lorayne Stevenson of Port Arthur was declared 1961 Teen Queen, closely followed by Princesses Mary Reid of Red Rock and Beverly Kemp of Port William. The Annual Dance Competition was won by Richard Tomczyk and Sharon Bant of Marathon. Bonnie Wilson and Henry Cormier of Red Rock were second in the competition which included nine couples. Everyone attending, the conference was amazed at the tremendous organization required to manage the event. Out of town delegates were billitted in private homes and were shuttled to and fro by a fleet of buses from the conference site in the Kenora High School. Adults observing the conference expressed the opinion that no adult organization could have managed the event any more effectively than the teenagers. SCHREIBER CWL ELECTS MRS. SHACK The annual meeting of the Catholic Women's League of Holy Angels parish was held recently in the Guild Hall with 52 members present. Mrs. Mary Shack presided. The meeting opened with prayers led by Rev. J.M. Cano. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Mrs. Iris Pegararo. The annual financial report was given by Mrs. Helen Souliere. Annual reports were given by all the convenors. The president, Mrs. Shack, thanked all the ladies for the fine help and cooperation shown to her during the past year, and a special thanks to Father Cano. Nominating Committee Chairman, Mrs., June Sisson, then presented the new slate of officers for 1960 - 61: President - Mrs. Mary Shack? 1st vice pres. - Mrs. Bertha Paradis; 2nd vice pres. - Mrs. Ruth Spadoni; 3rd. vice pres. - Mrs. Irene Moorey; treasurer - Mrs. Simone Connelly; recording secretary - Mrs. Edna Cocks.; corresponding secretary - Mrs. June Sisson. A letter was read from the Diocesan Convention in Fort William to be held May 16, 17. The delegates are to be named at the May meeting. Plans were made to hold a Bingo in May with the date to be set later. Lunch was served by Mrs. Pat Beno and her committee. APRIL SHOWER OF VALUES Spring is here and April is the big month to shop and really save during Supermart’s Big "April Shower of Values." You’ll find savings for every room of the house, so don’t miss out â€" shop Supermart and Save! Don’t forget we are now open all day Wednesday for your extra convenience. RCA VICTOR 6-TRANSISTOR RADIOS With leather case, earphones and car antenna. APRIL VALUE .. 29.95 23" TV SETS 1961 RCA VICTOR Console model with 2-speaker hi-fidelity sound. Reg. 349.95 UP TO 150.00 FOR YOUR TRADE-IN 2 PASSES With any purchase of $50 or over for the 1961 SPORTSMAN SHOW 1961 RCA VICTOR STEREO COMBINATION APRIL VALUE 269.95 CONVENIENT PARKING AT THE ARTHUR-COURT CAR PARK LAKEHEAD SUPERMART LIMITED 257 Arthur St., Port Arthur, Dial Dl 4-2474 CHILD HEALTH CLINIC The nursfes of the Port Arthur and District Health Unit invite all mothers to bring their babies to the monthly Child Health and Immunization Clinic, held in the Legion Hall, Nipigon, on Thursday, April. 27 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.’ Polio .inoculations are available to adults. Buying or Setting! CALL GEORGE C WARDR0PE RIM ESTATE BROKER PORT ARTHUR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES Dial 5-7361 WARDROPE AGENCIES Insurance All Classes AUTO â€" FIRE â€" MARINE