This matches one of the floats in the Coronation Week Parade held on May 10, 1937 in Fort William. I can verify for you that date. Also, the street is Syndicate Avenue - that is the Federal building (white one). You can verify it by comparing to a photo of the Federal building on Wikipedia, or you could walk down from the Brodie Library towards Victoriaville and do the same in person :) The parade route for the Parade that day was From the CPR station on Syndicate, along Syndicate Avenue, to Victoria Avenue, to Simpson Street, to Dease Street, to May Street, to Leith to McKellar Park where there were choirs, judging of the floats etc. all for celebration of the King's coronation in London. (see TJ May 5, 1937 page one for route info). I am trying to identify the float which is very cool with the dragon and crown. This is only a guess at this point, but I would say that it is the Legion Float since there are Legionnaires walking behind it and the Legion float won first prize in the patriotic category and must have been one of the nicer floats. I will keep digging as I find time as my research on something else coincides with this parade and the floats.
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This matches one of the floats in the Coronation Week Parade held on May 10, 1937 in Fort William. I can verify for you that date. Also, the street is Syndicate Avenue - that is the Federal building (white one). You can verify it by comparing to a photo of the Federal building on Wikipedia, or you could walk down from the Brodie Library towards Victoriaville and do the same in person :) The parade route for the Parade that day was From the CPR station on Syndicate, along Syndicate Avenue, to Victoria Avenue, to Simpson Street, to Dease Street, to May Street, to Leith to McKellar Park where there were choirs, judging of the floats etc. all for celebration of the King's coronation in London. (see TJ May 5, 1937 page one for route info). I am trying to identify the float which is very cool with the dragon and crown. This is only a guess at this point, but I would say that it is the Legion Float since there are Legionnaires walking behind it and the Legion float won first prize in the patriotic category and must have been one of the nicer floats. I will keep digging as I find time as my research on something else coincides with this parade and the floats.