11 May 18 19
£500 H + Cy pay in 5 years
John Holme Merchant } No. 29.30.31 & 32
to of } in [10?] Ton
The Honbl William Dickson } Dumfries
A Memorial of the written testament is recorded in [?ny] after the first day July Righten [sic] [illegible] and Lives by at [illegible] O Clock forever Lit B. f B4 [illegible] [?] 561. James surand [Ry?st?] for Distant [illegible]
I certify that a release of the within mentioned mortgage in full satisfaction for the payment thereof was Every interest in the office of Registry for the County of Wentworth and Haltin the 19th Day of March 1832 at 10. O Clock after Lit F. [foli?] 502 No 905
[James Duen?]
(Page 1)
Niagara 1st October 1820
Received from John Holme [??th??] [ma?t??nal] Mortgage the June of One Hundred pounds Currency of the Province of Upper canada
William Dickson
Received from the John Holme by the hand of J. [???s????] Esq the sum of One Hundred pounds Cy. being the second Instalment [sic] therein mentioned, together with twelve pounds [s?i?] G for two years Interest due thereon -
Montreal 14 May 1821
[illegible] [Gillesp??c???] [illegible]
Received from Mr John Holme the sum of one Hundred pounds Currency being the third Instalment [sic] on the present Bond together with Eighteen pounds for Interest due thereon -
Marked 29 July 1822
[illegible] for the later
firm of Gerrard G. M + Ca
Recd from Mr John Holme the sum of six pounds Cy being Interest due by him on the first Instalment [sic] on this Bond which Instalment [sic] [?at] paid to Mr Dickson on the 1 Octr [R??] at appears by the receipt [int???] hereon
Montrela 02 July 1822
8 [Mo??a] H pr G [Gett??]
Received from Mr John Holme the sum of One Hundred and thirty pounds Currency by [Cl???] + [st??ts] dft [sic] on ourselves [illegible] [?mos] after sight being to liquidate the Instalment that Mill became payable on the Indenture on the + 4th May [illegible]
Montreal 15 Nov 1823
8 Moffett for G [Ge?????]
Received from Mr John Holme on the 12th Augt last his order on Mr Joseph Holmes for One Hundred Eleven pounds and tweve shillings shirting equal to one Hundred + twenty four pounds Currency to liquidate the Instalment due on the Indenture on the 14th day of May last
Montreal 26 Non A13
Moffett for the late
[?ison] of Gerard Gilles [illegible]