1864.] "POST OFFICES IN CANADA. Vineial Letters; 10 cents for United States rate; 12} _Monoy Orders payable in ie 'Provines may be obtained | for Canadian Packet; and 17 cents for Cunard Packet, 'at any Money Order Offa in the annexed list, at the stamps, and equivalent to the prepayment of postage to the amount of 5 cents and 10 cents respectively. sane god envelopes wil be old te ea at the» of $5.60 per hundred, or 66 n Orders upto $l er $10 and up to $2 2 a 60 do. The 10 cent envelopes will be sold at the tte of $10 50 80 do. per hundred, or $1 chair 0, aneee wvelopes 11 ots, fo single Order can be is $1 Tei: Guinan eA Ainwine bene arms oi 'Money Orders, payable at any Money Order Office in| Yo inclose 'alotier or letters, or any. res a Ireland, i i serve the purpose of a letter, ina Par y . Post, shall be a 10h Bee p over gr any wltng oF to xake aby st '£2 and up to £5, 50e. epee moet over: an eae Ae ha the art pose of 'pak r to inclose Fk at he to £10, $1. ONO order can es mae vanes any other thing in a newspaper pos a ae , but any number of orders of £10 each. maj por, at the rate of postage, 8p mieable £0, iM me eee ins the case of accounts ea i (eof fot ae 'pnblis whicl aot a pecnlte taf i appeal iene) ania ee Postage Stamps are provic aed ee eas of the respective owspaners se values of 1 cent Hy 'Newspapers; 5 cents for ordinary Pro- maladonapenor: List of Post Offices in Canada on the 1st September, 1! 'The Offices whore Names are printed in Ialics are authorized to Grant and Pay M ny Ere swith an obetisk G) are Sab-Ofiees. POST OFFIOE. TOWNSHIP, COUNTY, Posrmasren, || PoBT OFFIGE. TOWNSHIP, COUNTY. -PosTMASTER. gstsquol W.Smith |} Ariington ...~. Adjal ill 'iilna Fiak || Armagh .2...-Armagh yousBellecbasee ». ete ambton wn.D 4 fre th AnCOM aveecsn il ri. n Mitoketl alton vB. Bernard aol "RobeD. Rogers wan Thaneer