St. George, Dec 7th/3
Geo Foster + Sons Co
Your [illegible] today. [Re. D. apple]
to Ripley would say that all apples sent you
are 'taken in' this fall and are surprised
to hear of any of the [illegible] being wormy.
I received the apples in paper check of 10 w 12 lb for the
most part and were packed with [illegible] big lb. So
that I did not notice any goods of kind you discover
not expecting such to be in the lot. As to the chance
of 3/4 of said box being in such condition I feel
satisfied that here is over estimated as I
cannot expect the idea that 8 or 10 customers would
bring or offer for sale such goods.
The clearest amt received from any customer would
not be over 40# Yet I would be willing to leave
the 3c out this amt. $1.20.
This and together with no chg for this offer. Should satisfy any
possible claim. [Judging] this to be satisfactory
I am Yours truly,
J.M. McEwen