Cherry tree Orphanage
Jotley Rise
N. Sheffield
Sept 30th
Dear Billie,
I suppose you will think I am never going
to write again but here I am again all well and
happy and we have all settled down after our holidays.
Vera was [rather] lucky this year wasn't she?
Having a months holiday and I only had a week but
I guess I enjoyed myself just as much as Vera did
I can tell you.
We had three new children last
week and we are expecting another two tomorrow
which will mean 40 children altogether and
we have got a little puppy which is only a month
old rather young to be taken from its mother
isn't it. He is a little black Spaniel and
sometimes it cries just like a baby and the
children call it "Bobbie" which doesn't suit it.
"Nigger" or "Blackie" would be better. A man came
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came the other day and [bit] a piece off
its tail and it did cry which seemed rather cruel.
[Mahon] is going on he holidays on
the 13th October for a who and she is going to have all
the girls cleaning all through the place before
she goes but I shan't help because I am in
the kitchen all day with the cook.
This year we have had rather
a good crop of apples and plums; to say what there
is other years and we have had over 1/2 ton of
potatoes and it isn't very nice to think that
I shall have the majority of them to peel.
What do you think
Billie I have been taught to bake and I
bake every day in the week except [Fri]: Sat.,
and of course Sunday and roughly one baking
makes 15 loaves, but last time I made 20
and that's more than I could do when I last
saw you isn't it and I am learning quite a
lot of things in the house now.
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Now the dark nights are coming we are learning
how to make hammocks in the guides the
[captain] is showing us how to do it and it
seems ever so easy to see her doing it but
when it comes to one starting on well I am
thinking I shall be stranded.
Don't you think
my writings getting awful I do because since
I've left school I have got out of practice
and I seldom have a pen in my [fingers]
except when writing letters.
I think this is all just
now except I have grown considerably since
I left school and am now the biggest girl
and the gardener always calls me "Fats" when
he see's me he is a fool. I have grown out
of all my frocks and have had to have a new
frock made specially. I'll close now so
goodnight. From your ever loving
sister Liz.
P.S. write back
as soon as you