"Greenleaves" [Lanodowne?] [Clre?]: Codsall Staffs: 8'5'43' Dear Barry and Stewart, Sorry not to have written to you before several times I have written, but not having your address, I was not able to post it. I am getting on nicely at school and a now in the third form. Suppose you know I am at [Brewood?] Grammar school, I have been there two years, and Don [Walls?] came, three terms ago, at the beginning of the school year. We had a very pleasant visit to the farm, last summer and saw snaps of your there. [Wayers?] left about eighteen months ago, and there is only Don, Keith, and Janet McMullen to play together. We still have a film of one of my birthday partys and you are well in the foreground. I still have your books and the are all safe with my own books.