Copley Pattingham W Wolverhampton 6th July My Dearest Boys, I know you'll be thrilled to have this long letter from Daddy. I hope you can make out all of it - - I guess Betty or Jim had better read some of it for you - - In fact seeing it is all about the farm, maybe Jim would be the best to ask - It seems to me that it needs Daddies to give boys the news they like + my letter will ^seem to be rather dull this week, but I'll do my best + I won't make it too long. - The last letter we had from you was written when Mrs Pate was in Toronto, in anticipation of Marion's graduation. - By now the graduation will be old news, but it'll be new + interesting to me, so I hope to hear about it. - The note by Betty at the end of the letter gave me great pleasure. -- It was fun to see her writing again - - especially when she had to write it in the midst of her hectic baking + cooking - Good old Betty! - Yes + then last week we had a letter from Uncle Ted sent from Detroit. It was written just after he'd sent off our pistols - - you rascals!! - Have you broken them yet? - - or have they been "confiscated"? - I hope you don't scare the district. - It was very nice of Uncle Ted you know - - He has been