County of Brant Public Library Digital Collections

Quit Claim Agreement Between Nelson Langs et Al. and J. Wedgwood Bowlby

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Item Type
A quit claim or Indenture agreement between Nelson Langs, his family, and John Wedgwood Bowlby dated the 23rd of December 1861 for land composed of lot number eight in the first range south of the Ancaster road in the township of Brantford containing one hundred and thirteen acres for the sum of five shillings paid to each member of the Langs family.
This Indenture made the twenty third day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty one Between Nelson Langs of the Township of Brantofrd in the county of Brant and Province of Canada Yeoman of the first part Eliza Langs wife of the said party of the first part of the second part. Squire Langs of the same place Yeoman of the third part Maria Langs wife of the said party of the third part of the fourth part SarahLangs of the same place, widow of the late John Langs of the – same place Yeoman now deceased of of the fifth part and John --- Wedgwood Bowlby of the town of Brantofrd in the said County of Brant Esquire of the sixth part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings of lawful money – of Canada in hand well and truly paid by the said party of – the sixth part to the said parties hereto and each of them of the --- first and third partes (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged) they the said parties of the first and third partes have and each – o them hath given granted sold and quitted claim and by these presents doth give grant sell and quit claim unto the said part of the sixth part his heirs and assigns all that parcel or tract of land situate lying and being the said Township of Brantford – being composed of lot number eight in the first range south of the Ancaster road in the said Township of Brantford and all that – parcel of land situate and being in the said Township of Brantford containing by a measurement one hundred and thirteen acres [he?] the same more or less being composed of the east part of lot number nine on the north side of the said Ancaster road and more fully described in a certain patent from the crown issued to one John Langs of the said portion of lot in the eighteen day – of August AD one thousand eight hundred and forty nine --- Together with the privledges and appearances there unto belonging And this Indenture further witnesseth that the said party of – the second part and the said party of the fourth part with – the [privity?] and consent of their and each of their said respective husbands testified to by their and each of their being parties to these presents in consideration of the premises and in the – further consideration of the sum of five shillings of lawful ---

Money of Canada aforesaid to each of them by the said party f the sixth part in hand well and truly paid (the receipt whenecof is hereby by each of them acknowledged) hatch promised released and forever relinquished and quitted claim and by these presents doth promise release and forever relinquish and quit claim unto the said party of the sixth part his heirs executors administrators and assigns all Dower and all right and title thereto which they or either of their the said parties hereto of the second and third parties to respectively now have in hath or in the event of their in either of them surviving their on either of their said husbands can or may or could or might hereafter in anywise have in claim whether at common law or otherwise howsoever of in its out of the said lands tenements hereditaments in premises in any part or parcels thereof described in this Indenture and hereby conveyed or intended so to be And this Indenture further wishes [soth?] that the said party of the fifth part in consideration of the sum of five – shillings of lawful money of Canada aforesaid to be hereby the said party of the sixth part in hand well and truly paid (the receipt whenceof is hereby acknowledged by her) hath promised released and forever relinquished and quitted claim and by these presents doth promise release and forever relinquish and quit claim unto the said party of the sixth part his heirs executors administrators and assigns all Dower and all right and title thereto which she the said party of the fifth part now hath of and in the said hereinabove described lands and premises or which she may or can or might or would in anywhere hereafter have or claim whether at law or otherwise howsoever in the lands and tenements above described or any part thereof – In witness Whereof the parties to these presents have set their hands and seals
The day and year first above written
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of
Martin Millard

Date of Original
December 23, 1861
Personal Name(s)
Langs, Nelson ; Langs, Eliza ; Langs, Squire ; Langs, Maria ; Langs, Sarah ; Langs, John ; Bowlby, John Wedgwood ; Millard, Martin
Local identifier
Langs Family Personal Collection
Language of Item
Copyright Statement
Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
Recommended Citation
Quit Claim Agreement Between Nelson Langs et Al. and J. Wedgwood Bowlby, 23 December 1861. Langs Family Personal Collection, Item No. 2017NL001.27
Terms of Use
The information and images provided are for personal research only and are not to be used for commercial purposes. Use of this information should include the credit "Provided by the Langs Family"
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