A1STD BARRISTERS, SO LICI TORS tNOTARIES G.D.CONANT. I\.C. A.F.ANNIS, B.A.LL.B. PHONES 4AND 5 SOLICITORS FOR THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE THE TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY 7t> SIMCOE ST., SOUTH OSH AW A, ONTARIO October 11, Mr* Cyrus Griffith, R * R • jf 2 , ST. GEORGE, Ont* Dear Mr* Griffith: You are, of course, already aware that Mr. Cornell has made an assignment in bankruptcy* I have written to Mr* Muirhead, as per copy of letter enclosed and suggest that you confer with Mr* Muirhead and Mr* Cowling as soon as possible* It is of the utmost importance that we get all the taxes we can out of the estate* Respectfully yours, CONANT & ANNIS, per, (G. D* CONANT) GDC: BOG*