HOW THE MONEY IS BEING USED Sabbath The $35,000 received by the Sunday Schools and School and Young People's Societies' Young Board is being used for Extension Peoples' Work---promoting new Schools, reach- Societies ing isolated homes, providing litera- ture for Non-Anglo-Saxon boys and girls and young people, and for the support oi special workers. Missionary and From the $26,250 received by the Deaconess Home the debt on the present Building Training has been paid and the balance is being Home held for Extension purposes. Pointe-ailX- The $17,500 which these Schools Trembles have received has been drawn upon for Mission a new Residence for the Principal and Schools repairs on the School Buildings. Maintenance As agreed upon when the Canvass and Deficits * was made, $140,000 has been transferred to Budget Funds for the payment of Deficits and to help to assure an adequate Revenue for Maintenance during the collection of the Thank-Offering. In each Congregation in which the entire amount subscribed has not been paid, it is earnestly hoped that an effort will be made immediately to secure payment in full. Urgent work waits upon the realization of this great Thank-Offering. Copies of this leaflet may be had on application to the Committee on Literature and Missionary Education, 411 Confederation Life Building, Toronto. Issued March, 1922 FORWARD MOVEMENT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA HOW THE FUND STANDS Subscriptions totalled...................................... $5,262,659 Receipts to end of 1921 totalled,................ 3,766,660 $3,500,000, or % of the original objective of $4,000,-000, has been distributed among the participating Funds according to the percentages fixed by the Assembly. In addition, $25,000 has been paid to Montreal Presbytery for Local Church Extension, and $32,844 to Moose Jaw College, as arranged at the time of the Canvass. The final Instalment is now overdue. Nearly $1,500,000 is yet to be received, or 28% of the total subscribed.