- Back row from left to right: Claus Bloom, Betty Barry, Joe Chrest, Bill Good, Sheila Hutchinson, Ed Brott, Don Hutchinson, Ruth Chrest. Middle row from left to right: Marie Wilson, Lorreen Wilson, RiBack row from left to right: Claus Bloom, Betty Barry, Joe Chrest, …
- Starting at the back from left to right: Fern Unger, Frances Levequie, Andy Brown, Leslie Piltomake, Mervin Smith, Alfred Pinkerton, Michael Jarette, Judy Brooks, Marion Minor, Marilyn Farrow, SandyStarting at the back from left to right: Fern Unger, Frances Levequie, …
- Front row from left to right: Bernard Tucker, Alex McInnis, R. Nicholos, Bob Harris, Roy Percival, Gerard Hazzard, Varino Salaavara, Llyod Tucker, Bev Harley. Second row from left to right: Mervin McFront row from left to right: Bernard Tucker, Alex McInnis, R. Nicholos, …
- First row from left to right: ?, ?, Deck Brooks, Melburn Rausch. Second row from left to right: ?, Isabel Schade, Betty Loney, June Phillips, Betty Scarlett, Vi Mannella Arlenea. Third row from leftFirst row from left to right: ?, ?, Deck Brooks, Melburn Rausch. …
- Front row from left to right: ? Detta, Rick Gutjahr,?, ?, Merv Sohm, ?, Francis Baumgarter, ?, ?. Back row from left to right: ?, Ron Johnston, Robby Flint, ?, ?, ?.Front row from left to right: ? Detta, Rick Gutjahr,?, ?, Merv …
- Front row from left to right: Dick Brooks, ?, ?, Bill Muzzi, ?, ?, Melburn Rausch. Second row from left to right: Shirley Ralston, Lillian Harding, Marie Kerigan, ?, Faye Carter, ?, Lena Jackson, PhyFront row from left to right: Dick Brooks, ?, ?, Bill Muzzi, …
- Back row from left to right: Ilene Sohm, ?, ?, ?, Sam Muzzi, Jery Ga?itson, Clarence Turnbail, Don Scarlett, Stan Noaik. Middle row from left to right: Beth Johnstone, Irene Good, Ina Ibbetson, JoyceBack row from left to right: Ilene Sohm, ?, ?, ?, Sam …
- Front row from left to right: Violet Moranno, Irene Good, Marie Kurigan, Artenea Ralston, Phylles Mc?. Back row from left to right: Lena Jackson, Fay Carter, ?, ?, June Lulean Phillips, Hanna GaritsoFront row from left to right: Violet Moranno, Irene Good, Marie Kurigan, …
- Black and white photograph of the South River Public School built in 1968. There are three trees in front of the school. There are three cars parked in front of the school.Black and white photograph of the South River Public School built in …
- Likely a photograph of a tintype. Back row from left to right: Fred Grunig, Richard Detta, Carley Manning, Fred Detta, William Smith, Eddie Wittch, Mary Smith, Lattie Smith, Bertha Brunner, Maggie SmLikely a photograph of a tintype. Back row from left to right: …
- There are creases in the middle and in the upper right corner. The bottom right corner has been cut off. From left to right: ? Norrington, ?, Roy Ward, Stanley McAfee, ?, Emma Sohm, Blanche Davis, DoThere are creases in the middle and in the upper right corner. …
- Black and white photo of Miss Arnold's South River Public School class, 1927. The class's of young children, the first row sitting, the second kneeling and the last one standing. They're wearing typiBlack and white photo of Miss Arnold's South River Public School class, …
- Girl in the middle of the second row is holding a trophyGirl in the middle of the second row is holding a trophy
- The boy in the middle of the front row is holding a chalkboard with writing on it. The writing is illegible.The boy in the middle of the front row is holding a …
- Boys in the front row: ? Detta, Rick Gutyahr, Merv Sohm, Doug Maeck, Jackie Tough, Francis Baumgartner. Boys in the back row: Ron Johnston, Robby Flint, Ivan Farrow.Boys in the front row: ? Detta, Rick Gutyahr, Merv Sohm, Doug …
- Black and white photograph class of Maple Island School circa 1940. There are sixteen girls and three boys of varying ages standing in three rows. To the left of them is a wooden building, which is mBlack and white photograph class of Maple Island School circa 1940. There …
- Four page history of U. S. S. No. 5. Strong, Joly, Armour school board. This school board was created in 1883 after an old school board from 1882 folded. This history includes the purchase of and conFour page history of U. S. S. No. 5. Strong, Joly, Armour …
- One page history of the S. S. No. 6 Strong school. This document highlights the donation of the land, the school's furniture, the school's students, and a few other early history topics.One page history of the S. S. No. 6 Strong school. This …
- Colour photograph of the Sundridge Bugle Band milling around after the parade. The building in the background might be the Sundridge Public School. The band is still wearing their blue and white unifColour photograph of the Sundridge Bugle Band milling around after the parade. …
- A 62 page album style book that contain a collection of the local for the community of Sprucedale. The cover of the album is a lovely dark blue with gold writting and border to offset the crest. ThisA 62 page album style book that contain a collection of the …