Burks Falls - A station on the N. and N.W. division G.T.R., and on the Magnetawan River (which furnishes power) in Armour township, Parry Sound District, 40 miles N. of Bracebridge, the nearest banking point. It contains Anglican, Presbyterian and Baptist churches, a public school and court house. Boats daily to Magnetawan and Ahmic Harbour. Population 600. Tel. G.N.W. Telephone connection. Exp. Can. Mail daily. David F. Burk, post-master. Alton, James H., blacksmith and wagonmaker; The Arrow (weekly) J.D. Reid Prop., Ashdown, Charles, baker, confr. and butcher; Bazett Edward, surveyor and insurance agent; Bell Telephone Co., Wm. A. Kelsey agent; Brasher, Frederick, hotel; Burk, David F., Prop. Burk's Hotel and post-master; Canada Life Assurance Co. Head Office, Hamilton, Ont., E. Bazett Agent; Canadian Express Co., R.H. Menzies, agent; Caughell, Charles, physician; Chapen, Chester G., watchmaker; Church, George C, general store; Clifton House,Fred Brasher prop.; Coltman, Rev. John (Baptist); Crawford, Wm., Physician and Druggist; Cronkhite Bros. (Wm. K., Gideon H., Stephen, Albert and Wm.) - woolen mill; Dodds, John N., boots, shoes, and harness; Drew, Mathew G., hardware and furniture; Eclipse Planing Mill, Knight Bros. Proprietors; Ford, Mrs. Mary, dress maker; Gall and Anderson, saw and shingle mills; Grand Trunk Railway, G.N.W. Telegraph Co., R.H. Menzies agent; Hilliar W. Hugh, blacksmith and horseshoer; Holbert John, saw and shingle mills; Israel John, Cabinetmaker; Kelsey Wm. A., phone and general agent; Knight Bros. (Henry and Walter), Sash, Door and moldings, also make a specialty of Birch Ceiling, Flooring and moldings; Lamb, Robert, A. and John, butchers and livery; McKague, Chas. W. agr. implements and bailiff, Magee, Mrs. Clementine, dressmaker; Martin, Edward R., barrister etc.; Menzies I. & Co. (Mrs. Isabella Menzies) general store; Milne, Jno carpenter and