Bill Towle and Norm Hawthorne can tell you about the good old days and we don't want them back! They can also tell you about the harvest excursions to harvest wheat in the West. One in 1924 cured me, but Bill went out about 6 times. We were paid $5.00 to $7.00 for a 12 hour day, slept out, had poor food, blistered hands, and dysentery. When it was wet you fixed fences or drew grain to town. Thank goodness the combines ended threshing. I was out West for over 4 months and never had a bath. There was no Ban for sale! Speaking of baths, we used to dread Saturday nights. Mother always insisted on one bath a week -unless we had a bad cold. (I'd take the cold!) Pots and kettles of water were heated on the stove, a big tub was put in the centre of the kitchen floor, and the oven door was open for warmth. Mother took us one at a time and she really dug out your ears, and inspected your scalp for lice - if guilty you got the coal oil treatment.