This post card mounted photo appears to be the work of J.A.Strang of Ottawa Ave., South River.
Once examined thoughly, most of the floating items appear to be wooden debris rather than good saw logs. Looking easterly through the truss sections of the bridge the Eastern shorelines are visible, but as no smoke stacks of the Standard Chemical Plant are visible this photo is most likley pre 1907.
One other curious element is the remains of a wooden structure,just visible as a line of objects under the deck of the railroad bridge. This same structure became visible and was photographed in 1974 when all dams were removed and the water drained from the river prior to the building of the now MNR dam. To date it's purpose is unknown.
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This post card mounted photo appears to be the work of J.A.Strang of Ottawa Ave., South River.
Once examined thoughly, most of the floating items appear to be wooden debris rather than good saw logs. Looking easterly through the truss sections of the bridge the Eastern shorelines are visible, but as no smoke stacks of the Standard Chemical Plant are visible this photo is most likley pre 1907. One other curious element is the remains of a wooden structure,just visible as a line of objects under the deck of the railroad bridge. This same structure became visible and was photographed in 1974 when all dams were removed and the water drained from the river prior to the building of the now MNR dam. To date it's purpose is unknown.
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