Milk By-law (No. | Amendments: No. of Vendors _____% of supply pasteurized No. of inspectors ____No. of pasteurizing plants SS No. of inspections made on premises of (a) Producer (b) Distributor Our present educational program has in mind the following work with the producers and distributors: : ; ssaeecomemmree — being we "Sanitary Tnspection of Schools My work of school inspection may be summarized as follows: (a) Total Number inspected = : (>) No. in which sanitary conveniences Gefective Nos corrected —— = = (oj2" eg Lighting ==" 8 LS pee ee (a) " f= blackbourds: 2. i" : (6) " Ww .-". heating s st # Gs >> well top S SS “ (g) Water Supply: No. of samples collected and sent to Laboratory for examination =a : "" unfavorable reports 2 Se Nuisances a (a) Total number reported upon_ (b) No. referred to Provincial Department of Health _ n ret rurt = Expenditure for Public Health Purposes ae. ae ee {a} Salary or other remuneration of M.0.H. CUttith/ ° : b S * 2 = "Sanitary Inspector fc) Other expenditure, Local Board of Health a totalge = * for Public Health Note: Urban municipalities may report below: Total appropriation of __ : : . is divided as follows: Administration: te cose Dental Services: 4 Medical Services: aes : inspectors’ " = 5 See Worsing= 9 = Total " Expense other than services _ foes " Health Instruction for Mothers During the year under review the health program has included conferences for expectant mothers. mothers were instructed at the - total attendance ——s—> — 2 ee ee ee ee eae This means that __ % of the mothers requiring instruction have been reached, These clinics were maintained by This work is (not) definitely part of the program of the public health nurse. Infant and Pre-school Age Health Supervision (i clinics were held with medical attendant, | total attendance being (2) _ conferences were held without medical attendant, "_ = 2 —_——— The staf? has been able to reach infants and children of pre-school age. In wy opinion this means that __% of the children needing this help have been reached, This service is maintained by = == Se