mgm. Nagging ios rs eQe Milk Supply Milk By-law (No. Ww... ) was passed 19 ____. Amendments’ No. of Vendors ____..... {of supply pasteurized. No. of inspectors No, of pasteurizing plants .. ae No. of inspections made on premises of (a) Producer (b) Distributor _.......W. Our present educational program has in mind the following work with the producers and distributors: chides sancnoseshedecesee—semncenwe—— =e ene en aa= noeeereeeerenernerererarssesoninen BET ay Inspection of Schools My work of school inspection may be summarized as follows: (a) Total Number inspected ___......_.....--- (b) No. in which sanitary conveniences defective. == No. corrected et weighting = ee ee dj " « blackboards " yu = (e) " " heating t " " (Gop " "well top " " " (g) Water Supply No. of samples collected and sent to Laboratory for examination SS eee " unfavorable reports Nuisances (a) Total number reported upon _______._........ (pb) No. referred to Provincial Department of Health ____._......----- (c) No. outstanding requiring further effort ._..........-.- — aS Se ee ee seen Stat a Mt TED ‘Expenditure for Public Health Purposes (a) Salary or other remuneration of M.O.H. WZ LO re BG {b) " . ¥ ¥ " Sanitary Inspector (c} Other expenditure, Local Board of Health __. Total id for Public Health Note: Urban municipalities may report below: Total appropriation of __. - _. is divided as follows: Administration: _. Dental Services: __ Medical Services: ......... Inspectors’ “ ae Nursing ee ie es eae Total cuesi gid fae Se Spec Expense other than services ____.._._-.----------------- as < Health Instruction for Mothers During the year under review the health program has included conferences for expectant mothers. mothers were instructed at the meetings, the total attendance being - = : — ‘ This means that ___._.__ 4% of the mothers requiring instruction have been reached. These clinics were maintained by enn : ao This work is (not) definitely part of the program of the public health nurse. Infant and Pre-school Age Health Supervision (a) Jes clinics were held with medical attendant, total ee tegsence being (6) conferences were held without medical attendant, G The staff has been able to reach ________. infants and children of pre-school age. In my opinicn this means that. .- % of the children needing this help have been reached. This service is maintained DY awe ewe e em eeceeeee mene teneeeeeenr acer necenanrewanennnnammnnnenenee il ecto NOR AM NTT