Stores of Yesterday
- Black and white photograph of Buchanan's store in Dunchurch. In front of the store there is a large crowd in the street. The crowd includes many horse and carts or carriages. In the distance the steeBlack and white photograph of Buchanan's store in Dunchurch. In front of …
- Black and white photograph of two cars along the Main Street of Dunchurch. The car on the left is parked in front of a store. The car on the right is driving along the road. There are people walkingBlack and white photograph of two cars along the Main Street of …
- Black and white photograph of Cliff Carlton's General store in Dunchurch. Leading up to the entrance is a staircase. The entrance is in the middle with two large windows on either side of the door.Black and white photograph of Cliff Carlton's General store in Dunchurch. Leading …
- Black and white photograph of Art Buchanan's store on the right and behind the building is a barn on a dirt hill. On the left are horse and sleds going up to the barn. There are people mulling aroundBlack and white photograph of Art Buchanan's store on the right and …
- Black and white photographs of Cliff Carleton's service station. The station is raised and has a porch and a staircase going up to the building. On the left side of the part of a gas pump can be seenBlack and white photographs of Cliff Carleton's service station. The station is …
- Black and white photograph of Jack Tait's General Store. The store also has two gas pumps outside. The general store is made of wooden and has two stories. The store located on a dirt road. There areBlack and white photograph of Jack Tait's General Store. The store also …
- Black and white photograph of Jim Dobb's store. This picture was taken to show a prank played upon Jim Dobb or his store. There is a pile of garbage/refuse put in front of the store on the left side.Black and white photograph of Jim Dobb's store. This picture was taken …
- Colour photograph of Loo Balicki's general and hardware store. Beside the store is a public sign board, which looks like it has many fliers attached to it. In front of the store there is a pop and neColour photograph of Loo Balicki's general and hardware store. Beside the store …
- This is a reproduced enlargement of an earlier photograph.This is a reproduced enlargement of an earlier photograph.
- Black and white photograph of Kate Scarr and Lillian Follick standing in front of Scarr's Store. Outside of the store, to the right of the ladies there is has a stack of used boxes. In front of thisBlack and white photograph of Kate Scarr and Lillian Follick standing in …
- Postcard sent by Walter Croswell to his mother January 26, 1916. The picture was probably taken in 1915. The two storey veranda on the Jules Brown store remains in an excellent state of repair. The sPostcard sent by Walter Croswell to his mother January 26, 1916. The …
- This early picture is a subset of a picture of the Cliffburne Hotel taken by Albert Stuckey (from John Macfie). The picture was probably taken in the late 1890’s or very early 1900’s.This early picture is a subset of a picture of the Cliffburne …
- This picture is from around 1915 or 1916. The two storey veranda on the Jules Brown store remains in an excellent state of repair. The stately new hotel has been built – and while perhaps not as impoThis picture is from around 1915 or 1916. The two storey veranda …
- This is a view of the Ahmic Harbour shoreline, looking from the south. At the left of the picture is the former Croswell Boat Works. Behind the boat house is Newell’s store which by the time of thisThis is a view of the Ahmic Harbour shoreline, looking from the …
- In this picture looking easterly from the corner of Ahmic and Mary Streets towards the hotel. The home at the left of the picture was built on the site of the former post office operated by William aIn this picture looking easterly from the corner of Ahmic and Mary …
- A post card showing a street view of Ahmic Harbour from the 1940’s. At the time of this picture from the late 1940’s, the General Store on Lot 5 on the south side of Ahmic Street (on right in both piA post card showing a street view of Ahmic Harbour from the …
- A street view of Ahmic Harbour from the 1940’s. At the time of this picture from the late 1940’s, the General Store on Lot 5 on the south side of Ahmic Street (on right in both pictures) was being opA street view of Ahmic Harbour from the 1940’s. At the time …
- Around 1960, Tiffin’s store on Lot 5 on the south side of Ahmic Street burned while in the ownership and operation of Earl and Ruby Tiffin. The property was later purchased by Carl Crossman. Carl andAround 1960, Tiffin’s store on Lot 5 on the south side of …
- A view inside Robertson’s General Store on Lot 5 on the south side of Ahmic Sreet around 1905A view inside Robertson’s General Store on Lot 5 on the south …
- In 1949, Norman White sold the property to Arthur Demberline. In this picture Art Demberline and his wife are shown in front of their store around 1950. In 1954 Art Demberline sold the store to EarlIn 1949, Norman White sold the property to Arthur Demberline. In this …