The Commando Ajax Ontario May 15, 1943 Volume 1 No. 16 The Commando Ajax Ontario May 15, 1943 Volume 1 No. 16 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE CITIZENS COMMITTEE OF THE COMMUNITY OF AJAX VICTORY IS OUR BUSINESS!Exclusive Connection with WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO Cable Services to all the World Money Transferred by Telegraph PF 64 1 Exa FD Toronto Ont. 516PM. May 7 1943 Alex Russell Chairman Victory Loan Committee Defence Industries Ltd. Ajax Ont. On behalf of the payroll section of the Province of Ontario let me congratulate through you the men and women of your organization Tor rolling up such a fine total of bonds purchased in our fourth Victory Loan campaign stop Canadians are showing a wonderful appreciation of Canadas financial needs and Defence Industries employees have reason to feel proud of their splendid coperation JFM Stewart Chairman office Payroll Savings Section 017PM