the ditch dug & some asphalt laid. Painting is not completed yet nor door repaired. It was proposed by Mrs. M. Long & sec. by Mrs. V. Parker that we send $19.67 proposed by Federation for their centennial projects. Moved by Mrs. M. Draper & sec. by Mrs. M. Long that we pay Mrs. Cooper $5.00 for the extra care taking due to Home & School meeting in 1967. Moved by Mrs. M. Manning & Sec by Mrs. M. Long that we donate $10.00 to “The Founder’s Day Foundation.” Proposed by Mrs. M. Draper & Sec. by Mrs. A. Bentley that Mrs. D. Barter be in charge of putting a lock on cupboard for H & C supplies. Nominating committee appointed as follows: Mrs. A. Wilson “ Joyce Barber “ M. Draper “ D. Barker. Mrs. Mitchell will contact Mr. Dunning re hosting Feb. Executive meeting. If he cannot, Mrs. Armstrong will have meeting. Those present - Mrs. J. Mitchell, Mrs. M. Manning, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Leathen, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Draper, Mrs. Bentley, Mrs. Long & Mrs. D. Barter. Luch served by Mrs. Long. Janis B. Mitchell