(The following article taped to this page dated May 4, 1972) Irate Parents Question School Closing A room filled with irate parents and ratepayers greeted an open meeting of the Parents’ Committee and the representatives of the Ontario County School Board last Tues-day at Paradise School. They were meeting to hear an up-to-date report on what is planned for the future of the three-school Pickering Central One area. Representing the Board were Chairman Milton Mowbray; Mr. Kettle, Asst. Supt. of Area One; W. J. Mac-Donald, Program Sutp. Area One; Mrs. Sheila Vierin, trustee for our area, and Mr. K. D. Munroe, Director of Educa-tion. Mr. Munroe, who assum-ed the position of speaker for the group, stated that the object of the meeting was to discuss the rele-vant factors necessitating some immediate changes in classroom accommod-ation. These might be listed as: (1) - changes in enrolment; (2) first and foremost concern - a good or better program for all boys and girls; (3) - Increased cost of transportation (presently well over a million dollars in the county): (4) to make possible equal levels of education for all stu-dents including those with learning disabilities; (5) changing patterns in enrolment. Projected enrolment for September in Grades 1 to 8 is 210 with an add-itional 20 children reg-istered in kindergarten. Or 11 classrooms pres-ently operating, the rn-rolnent would seem to justify the operation of only eight. This breaks down to seven classrooms full-time, one-half room for kindergarten and one-half room for additional part-time activities. Of the three schools, Mr. Munroe felt that one school would not be needed at all. He listed possibilities if such were the case. These were: Pickering Beach Pupils Kindergarten pupils to Ajax or half-day at Para-dise; Grades 7-8 to Ajax to keep them at Paradise; Grades 1-6 to Ajax or Paradise; Grades 1-8 all in Paradise with kindergarten pupils in Ajax. Hilltop Area pupils: Kindergarten to Ajax; Gr. 7-8 to Ajax; Gr. 1-6 to Ajax; or stay in Hilltop; Gr. 1-8 all at Hilltop. Westney Road pupils - all pupils to Lincoln Ave. Pickering: kindergarten to Ajax, and Gr. 7-8 to Ajax and Gr. 1-6 to Lincoln Ave. There were many dissenting opinions over these various options and it was obvious that no decisions were possible at this meeting. It was finally decided to send a direct-mail questionnaire to parents of children affected by any moved, and another meeting is to held on Tuesday May 9 at Paradise School where the parents themselves will have the opportunity, to-gether with Board rep-resentatives, to evaluate theopinions and desires Picture, top: Milton Mowbray, chairman of Ontario County School Board is flanked by K. D. Munroe, Director of Education W. J. MacDonald, and trustee Sheila Vierin at parents meeting (Guardian Photo) Picture, middle: Packed room of parents attended meeting.