the subject being “Open-Concept Schools” Mrs. Leathen reported a total of 25 memberships. Hilltop School won the banner for having the most parents present. (An arrow precedes this entry directing it below the next paragraph)The meeting concluded with the Home & School prayer. An account of the evening’s discussion on Educational Policies with Mrs. Verien as speaker, appears below. Marie Manning , Rec. Sec. (Taped to the page is the following article mentioned in the minutes above, dated Jan. 11th, 1972) It was a disappointingly small group that greeted Mrs. Sheila Verien, at last Monday’s Home and School meeting. How-ever the 21 parents who made the effort to att-end were rewarded with an exceptionally inter-esting and informative talk followed by dis-cussion groups. Mrs Varien was speaking as a trustee of the Ontario County School Bard and as member and former chairman of the Educ-ational Policies Comm-ittee, an outgrowth of the Educational Task Force. Following it’s formation about a year ago, they have discussed and are forming pol-icies concerning High School Curriculum, Family Life Education, and Religious Educ-ation. Subjects presently under dis-cussion include ETV, outdoor education, home economics and industrial arts. Recently, the teachers have had opp-ortunity to present their views on programs pres-ently taught in the schools. All phases of the pub-lic and secondary school system will be discussed and examined in the committee includ-ing topics such as pro-gram evaluation, adult education, guidance pro-gram, open concept schools, special educa-tion trends in building, special testing for pre-school children, etc. The evening was clim-axed with an almost over-whelming list of beefs and bouquets from parents. They summarized their dislikes as follows: - too many spare periods in high school time-tables. - inadequate guidance (which was expressed as “misguidance”) - too much bus-ing of pupils result-ing in lost teaching time. - not enough discipline.- dislike of open-concept schools - credit system that allows accumulation of credits without thought to subjects taken. Admiration for success in the reading program was expressed by more than one parent. Mention was made of the difficulties exper-ienced when a child moves from one township or province to another and finds himself behind or ahead in his grade. The thought was express-ed that courses might be stabilized so that a child might not be put back a grade, or repeat work he had already taken. Mrs. Verien was pleas-ed with the comments and stated that similar meetings of parents (in other areas) had revealed like complaints. Questioned as to the future of Paradise School Mrs. Verien stated that the Board had not been approached by the Con-servation Authority and that they had no imm-ediate plans for phasing the school out of existence. Next month’s meeting will be held at Hilltop School and will concern Teachers’ College Courses and the require-ments teachers must meet in to-day’s school system. Jan 4th. Executive Meeting Minutes read & approved (for Nov. 15/71) Treas. Report showed a bank balance of $446.30 in the bank, 53.76 Cash on hand. Total - $500.06 1-Corr. sec. Mrs. Barber - 11 letters written 2- Prog. Chairman, J. Mitchell - Jan. 11th - “Educational Policies of the Ont. County School Board (Mrs. Verien, Speaker Cloverlane School) 3- Publications - M. Hewson - nothing to report 4- V. Pres. & membership, Norma Leathen “ ” “ 5. - Social Ch. - Mrs. Lang - “ ” “ 6. - Princ. Mr. Doble - March is Open House - Parents to sit in on classes