Humphries, Gr. 5 - Mrs. Bentley, Gr. 6 - Mrs. G. Kaiser, Gr. 7 - Mrs. Hutchison, Gr. 8 - Mrs. J. Barber & Mrs. Fortey. The room count was taken with Miss Clarke’s & Miss Tinney’s room winning The H & S. Banner to spend 2 weeks in each room. Prog. Chairman, M. Manning introduced Mr. G. MacFarland, Area Principal who intro Mr. D. Sutton, Area Supt. of Zone A. who spoke on the aims of the county boards which were to educate your child well, quality of teaching, special education etc. Slides were shown of Woodland Cent. School, showing audio-visual aids, specialists rooms that can convert over for many uses. A question & answer period following with many questions from the floor. Mrs. Manning thanked the speakers. Bazaar is to be on Nov. 22. and volonteers to help would be appreciated. Mrs. Parker closed the meeting with the H & S. prayer. Refreshments were served. V. A. Parker N. Leathen Executive Meeting - Oct. 20, 1969 Meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Barber. Minutes of the last executive meeting (Sept 15) were read. Treasurer reported a bank balance of $42.90 and cash on hand of $19.38 for a total of $62.28 as of Oct. 20. Programmes - Evaluation of Sept. 22. meeting (Current Trends in Education) Oct. 27 meeting - “Children with learning dissibilities” with J. Williams - Consultant in Special Educa-tion for Ontario County Schools & John Engel Pres. of Ont. Assc. of Children with learning dissibilities plus a film entitled “Why Billy Can’t Learn” & possibly a buzz session.