Other business - school pins have been ordered (16) It was moved by Mrs. M. Manning & sec. by Mrs. M. Armstrong that the Home & School executive be empowered to spend up $100 for books awards, trophies, graduation & field day. Carried. Mrs. Parker has volunteered to attend H & S. Leadership Camp as 1 delegate. One more volunteer needed by to-night. It was moved by Gordon Bentley & sec. by Mrs. Long that we spend up to $10 for a gift for Miss Meaker who is retiring. Carried. It was moved by Gordon Bentley and sec. by Mr. Shipman that we contribute $10 for 2 prizes for an anti-smoking poster - one to a boy and one to a girl. Carried. Mrs. Akey’s class won the banner. There were 18 present. The film entitled “Who Me?” - on the harm of smoking was shown. A panel, consisting of Mrs. Carr, Pres. of Cancer Society, Mrs. McLind, the school nurse, Mr. Shaaf, physical education consultant and Mr. Gordon Bentley had a very interesting time of discussion & question period. Mrs. Mitchell thanked the executive for their work during the past year, also the teachers, parents, Grade mothers and all who helped with the bazaar. The Home & School prayer was read by Mrs. Armstrong. A lunch was served at the close of the meeting. Dorothy Barter V. Parker