period. This was a most interesting and informative meeting especially to parents of Gr. VIII pupils. Dorothy Barter Janis B. Mitchell Executive Meeting Mar 31/69 This meeting was held at the home of Mrs. N. Leathen. Minutes of the last executive meeting (Feb 17) were read by Mrs. Barter. Treas. report - Bank bal. $430.06 cash on hand $13.97. Making a total of $444.03 Programs - Feb. meeting - very good Apr. 28 - Annual meeting - Film. “A place to Stand.” - annual reports by all membersof executive. May - Preventing children from smoking. A film named “Who me?” - 20 mins. followed by a panel discussion. Those in the panel may be Mr. Mr. Barcett (?) coach of the Green Gales or Mr. Bradley of Ajax Community Centre, school nurse, Miss Isabel McLend, Mrs. Eleanor Carr Pres. of the Cancer Society & local parent; perhaps Mr. Bentley. Vice Pres. - to include slate of officers for 1969-1970 in bulletin for Apr. Meeting. Corresp-secretary - Mrs. N. Leathen wrote thank you letter to Mrs. Beale. Publications & Council Rep Mrs. Vivivian Parker - Apr. 22 is council meeting - porposed resolutions will be read. May 27th annual dinner at 6:30 p.m. Membership & room rep. Mrs. F. Barber. We now have 36 members and will be elegible for award. Had a reply from Ship’s School which made suggestions for raising funds but unable to assist financially.