Mr. Dunnings’. Those present were, Mrs. J. Mitchell, Mrs. M. Manning, Mrs. M. Long, Mrs. F. Barber, Mrs. V. Parker, Mrs. M. Draper, Mr. Dunning & Mrs. D Barter. A delicious lunch was served by our hostess Mrs. Akey. D. Barter Janis B. Mitchell Regular Meeting Oct 28/68 The meeting open with the singing of O’ Canada. Minutes of the previous meeting were read by Mrs. D. Barter and approved as read by Mrs. J. Mitchell. Treasurers report. - Bank bal. $68.76 cash on hand $3.54 Moved by Mrs M. Armstrong and seconded by Mrs. M. Manning that the treas. report be accepted. Carried. Programs - Mrs. Long Nov. - bazaar, Dec. - Open House, Jan. hope to have something on Retarded children. Vice - Pres. - nothing to report Corr. Sec. - “ ” “ Refresh. - Mrs. Draper thanked those who had contributed to the lunch for the evening Publications & Council Rep. Mrs. Parker was unable to attend the last 2 meetings. Principle Mr. Dunning said many school children are around the school after school hours causing damage & littering premises. He asked for the co-operation of the parents. Mrs. Mitchell asked those present if they would help with the bazaar contributing to baking, white elephant etc. Membership Chairman Mrs. Barber - Membership is 19. Room Count - Mr. Dunning’s class won the Banner Mrs. Long introduced Mr. Vierin & Group, guests of the evening. Mr. Vierin in turn introduced his assistants Mrs. Davis, primary consultant and