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- LABRECQUE, Agnes (née Chevrier) 1933-2005 -- It is with profound sadness that the family announces her death at the Cassellholme, Home for the Aged, North Bay, on Wednesday, October 19, 2005 at the aLABRECQUE, Agnes (née Chevrier) 1933-2005 -- It is with profound sadness that …
- FRANCOEUR, Alexandre -- At North Bay, Thursday, May 26, 2005. Alexandre Francoeur, beloved husband of Laura Francoeur (nee Duguay) in his 81st year. Dearly loved father of Linda Beaulieu (Louis) of OFRANCOEUR, Alexandre -- At North Bay, Thursday, May 26, 2005. Alexandre Francoeur, …
- FEUILLÂTRE, Aline -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Wednesday, May 25, 2005 in her 67th year. Dear sister of Marie-Thérèse Ruaux (Pierre), Monique Boissel (deceased Albert), Raymond FeFEUILLÂTRE, Aline -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Wednesday, May …
- MATTE, Alma -- Passed away at Leisureworld Caregiving Centre, Thursday, July 7, 2005 at the age of 89. Alma (née St-Pierre) was the beloved wife of the late Joseph Matte and loved mother of Arthur (AMATTE, Alma -- Passed away at Leisureworld Caregiving Centre, Thursday, July 7, …
- PELLERIN, Amédée 1920-2005 -- A la douce mémoire de Amédée Pellerin qui est décédé à l'hôpital Général de North Bay le vendredi 20 mai à l'âge de 85 ans. Epoux bien-aimé de Gertrude (née Plante). ChePELLERIN, Amédée 1920-2005 -- A la douce mémoire de Amédée Pellerin qui …
- BOULANGER, Andre -- At North Bay General Hospital, McLaren Site, Saturday, December 10, 2005. Andre Boulanger beloved husband of the late Michelle Boulanger (nee Grazino) in his 58th year. Dearly lovBOULANGER, Andre -- At North Bay General Hospital, McLaren Site, Saturday, December …
- MARTIN, Andre -- The family sadly regret announcing the passing of Andre at the North Bay General Hospital on Sunday August 7th, 2005 at the age of 44 yrs. Beloved husband of Susan Murray. Dear fatheMARTIN, Andre -- The family sadly regret announcing the passing of Andre …
- BESSETTE, Anita -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Tuesday, September 13, 2005. Anita Degagne, beloved wife of Andy Bessette, in her 66th year. Dearly loved mother of Monique Seguin (RiBESSETTE, Anita -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Tuesday, September …
- BOULLEY, Anthony 'Tony' -- Passed away at North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Thursday, June 30, 2005 at the age of 67. Anthony 'Tony' Boulley was the beloved husband of Caroline (nee Perrin)BOULLEY, Anthony 'Tony' -- Passed away at North Bay General Hospital, Scollard …
- LAFRANCE, Audrey June -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Monday, May 30, 2005 in her 77th year. Dear mother of Tommy (Lynn) of Guelph, Susan Grodzinski (Bill) of North Bay, and Joey (TrLAFRANCE, Audrey June -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Monday, …
- REMILLARD, Aurele -- 1943-2005 -- It is with profound sadness that the Remillard family announces his death at the North Bay General Hospital - Scollard Site on Tuesday, December 6, 2005 at the age oREMILLARD, Aurele -- 1943-2005 -- It is with profound sadness that the …
- CHRETIEN, Aurore (Legros) -- Est décédée à la maison pour personnes âgées Cassellholme, mardi, le 16 août, 2005. Aurore Legros, épouse vien aimée de feu Ernest Chrétien à l'âge de 98 ans. Elle laisseCHRETIEN, Aurore (Legros) -- Est décédée à la maison pour personnes âgées …