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- DESJARDINS, Inez Marie -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Friday May 13, 2005. Inez Wood beloved wife of Harvey Desjardins in her 75th year. Dearly loved mother of Tim Desjardins (ArlenDESJARDINS, Inez Marie -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Friday …
- MONTIGNY, Shirley (nee Hoodley) -- Passed away peacefully at the North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site on Sunday May 8th, 2005 at the age of 76 after a battle with cancer. Beloved wife of the latMONTIGNY, Shirley (nee Hoodley) -- Passed away peacefully at the North Bay …
- SHANK, Pierre -- Est décédé à l'hôpital I général de North Bay, le lundi 2 mai, 2005 à l'âge de 69 ans. Outre son épouse Gisèle (fils Gérard et petit-fils Keith Charette de St. Thomas); il laisse sesSHANK, Pierre -- Est décédé à l'hôpital I général de North Bay, …
- ST. AMAND, Francis Thomas (Tom) -- Passed away at the North Bay General Hospital, McLaren Site on Thursday, April 14, 2005 at the age of 91. Loving husband of Beatrice Henry (predeceased December 200ST. AMAND, Francis Thomas (Tom) -- Passed away at the North Bay …
- DICAIRE, Theodora (nee TaMlefer) - It is with great sorrow that the family announces the passing of Dora at Cassellholme, Friday, April 15, 2005. Theodora Dicaire beloved wife of Claude Dicaire for 6DICAIRE, Theodora (nee TaMlefer) - It is with great sorrow that the …
- HEBERT, Cleo (December 25, 1952 -March 30, 2005) -- At Leisureworld Caregiving Centre. Left to mourn his passing are his beloved daughter TerrhLynn Hebert-Blake, and his wife Judy Ann Hebert. SorelyHEBERT, Cleo (December 25, 1952 -March 30, 2005) -- At Leisureworld Caregiving …
- CANTIN, Lionel Patrice -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Monday March 14, 2005, Lionel Cantin, beloved husband of Irene Ethier, in his 84th year. Loving father of Rolande Bessette (ArtCANTIN, Lionel Patrice -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Monday …
- DEROCHE, Barnabae William (Barney) -- Passed away peacefully after a short illness at the age of 69, Friday, February 25th, 2005 with loved ones at his side. Survived by his beloved partner and bestDEROCHE, Barnabae William (Barney) -- Passed away peacefully after a short illness …
- LAFRAMBOISE, Rosalie -- Passed away, at Cassellholme Home for the Aged, Saturday, March 12, 2005. Rosalie Doucette beloved wife of the late Wellington Laframboise in her 94th year. Dearly loved motheLAFRAMBOISE, Rosalie -- Passed away, at Cassellholme Home for the Aged, Saturday, …
- RANCOURT, Rheal -- Est décédé à sa maison le jeudi 10 mars, 2005 a l'âge 67 ans. Outre son épouse Paulette Rancourt, il laisse ses enfants; Nicole (Scott Pesket) d'Ottawa, Luc (Wil-ma), Guy (Tracy) eRANCOURT, Rheal -- Est décédé à sa maison le jeudi 10 mars, …
- LARONDE, Vincent -- Passed away at North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Wednesday March 9, 2005, at the age of 77 years. Vincent Laronde was the husband of Doris (née Moore) and loved father ofLARONDE, Vincent -- Passed away at North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, …
- FILIATRAULT, Jean "John" -- Est décédé à la suite d'une courte maladie le dimanche 6 mars 2005, à l'hôpital Général de North Bay, à l'âge de 79 ans. Jean était l'époux bien-aimé de Parmélia (née GagnFILIATRAULT, Jean "John" -- Est décédé à la suite d'une courte maladie …
- LEBLANC, Rodolphe (1924 - 2005) -- Rodolphe est décédé paisiblement après une courte bataille contre le cancer, à l'Hôpital général de North Bay, emplacement Scollard, le mardi 22 février 2005, à l'âLEBLANC, Rodolphe (1924 - 2005) -- Rodolphe est décédé paisiblement après une …
- LABROSSE, Ivan -- It is with great sadness that the family announces the passing of Ivan, following a short and courageous battle with cancer, at home on February 21, 2005, at the age of 64. Ivan isLABROSSE, Ivan -- It is with great sadness that the family announces …
- DESCHENE, Daniel "Dan" -- Passed away at North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Tuesday February 15,2005 at the age of 74 years. Dan Deschene was the beloved husband of Léa (née Seguin) and lovedDESCHENE, Daniel "Dan" -- Passed away at North Bay General Hospital, Scollard …
- RENAUD, Lucille (1929 - 2005) -- It is with profound sadness that the family announces her sudden passing at the âge of 75 years on Wednesday, February 2, 2005. Beloved wife of the late Gerard RenaudRENAUD, Lucille (1929 - 2005) -- It is with profound sadness that …