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- REMILLARD, Aurele -- 1943-2005 -- It is with profound sadness that the Remillard family announces his death at the North Bay General Hospital - Scollard Site on Tuesday, December 6, 2005 at the age oREMILLARD, Aurele -- 1943-2005 -- It is with profound sadness that the …
- MARTIN, Lena (nee Aubut) (1913 - 2005) --Passed away peacefully at LeisureWorld Caregiving Centre on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 at the age of 92 years. Beloved wife of the late Aime Martin. LovingMARTIN, Lena (nee Aubut) (1913 - 2005) --Passed away peacefully at LeisureWorld …
- FOISY, Debra -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Saturday, December 31, 2005. Debra Barrand beloved wife of Yvon Foisy in her 53rd year. Dearly loved mother of Jason Foisy (Liz) of NorthFOISY, Debra -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Saturday, December …
- SIMARD-LAURIN, Lucienne 'Lucy' -- At Leisureworld Caregiving Centre, Friday, December 23, 2005, Lucy, Dequanne beloved wife of the late Dave Laurin and Lionel Simard in her 88th year. Loving mother oSIMARD-LAURIN, Lucienne 'Lucy' -- At Leisureworld Caregiving Centre, Friday, December 23, 2005, …
- Copie numérisé / digitized copyCopie numérisé / digitized copy
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- Copie numérisé / digitized copyCopie numérisé / digitized copy
- BEAUCHAMP, Eric -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Monday, July 18, 2005. Dearly loved son of Tracy and Raymond Beauchamp Sr. in his 20th year. Dear stepson of Tom Millette. Loved brothBEAUCHAMP, Eric -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Monday, July …
- MAILLE, Edward Raymond -- November 5, 1948 - July 29, 2005 -- Edward R. Maille died peacefully at the North Bay General Hospital - Scollard Site, surrounded by the people he loved; his ex-wife and beMAILLE, Edward Raymond -- November 5, 1948 - July 29, 2005 -- …
- ETHIER, Celina --- passed away at the North Bay General Hospital, McLaren Site, Saturday, July 16, 2005 in her 80th year. Célina (née Quinn) was the beloved wife of the late Alphège Ethier and lovedETHIER, Celina --- passed away at the North Bay General Hospital, McLaren …
- ALANDE, Paul -- After a brief illness, passed away peacefully at the North Bay General Hospital - Scollard Site on Friday, August 5, 2005. Paul was the beloved husband of Jane (nee Young). He was 55ALANDE, Paul -- After a brief illness, passed away peacefully at the …
- CHRETIEN, Aurore (Legros) -- Est décédée à la maison pour personnes âgées Cassellholme, mardi, le 16 août, 2005. Aurore Legros, épouse vien aimée de feu Ernest Chrétien à l'âge de 98 ans. Elle laisseCHRETIEN, Aurore (Legros) -- Est décédée à la maison pour personnes âgées …
- TURNER, Hector - Passed away at his residence Sunday, February 6, 2005, at the age of 63. Hector Turner was the loving friend of Shirley Weldon (née Levesque). He will be remembered by his children (TURNER, Hector - Passed away at his residence Sunday, February 6, 2005, …
- WATTERS, Rose -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Friday, January 28, 2005, Rose Pepin, in her 79th year. Loving mother of Michael (Christine) of Niagara Falls, Dr. Timothy (Dorothy) ofWATTERS, Rose -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Friday, January …
- DENIS, Lorenzo "Larry" -- Passed away at North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Thursday, January 27, 2005 at the age of 83 vears- Lorenzo "Larry" Denis was the beloved husband of the late EmellaDENIS, Lorenzo "Larry" -- Passed away at North Bay General Hospital, Scollard …
- DELORME, Bertha -- Died after a lengthy and courageous battle with breast cancer, at the North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site on Tuesday, February 15, 2005. Bertha Ouellette was in her 87th yearDELORME, Bertha -- Died after a lengthy and courageous battle with breast …
- ROY (BELAND) Jacqueline Rachel -- Passed away at North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, at the age of 69 years. Jacqueline was the beloved wife of Harvey Roy and loving mother of Roger (Robyn). SROY (BELAND) Jacqueline Rachel -- Passed away at North Bay General Hospital, …
- LANGLOIS, Gerard -- At North Bay General Hospital on Monday, February 14, 2005, at the age of 61 years. Predeceased by his wife Lorraine Arseneault (March 10, 2002), Dear father of Carole (Kevin PlumLANGLOIS, Gerard -- At North Bay General Hospital on Monday, February 14, …
- BOUCHER, Paulette Nicole -- Passed away peacefully surrounded by her family at North Bay General Hospital, Monday, February 14, 2005 at the age of 54 years. Paulette Boucher (née Laferrière) was theBOUCHER, Paulette Nicole -- Passed away peacefully surrounded by her family at …
- THERIAULT, Rose - at North Bay General Hospital, McLaren Site, Saturday, February 12, 2005. Rose Giroux beloved wife of the late Maurice Theriault (dec. 1997) in her 81st year. Loving mother of Leo (THERIAULT, Rose - at North Bay General Hospital, McLaren Site, Saturday, February …