- MARTIN, Roland (Rolly) -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Sunday, August 28, 2005. Roland Martin beloved husband of Dolores Martin (nee Silk) in his 66th year. Dearly loved father of CiMARTIN, Roland (Rolly) -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Sunday, …
- TRUCHON, Marie Anna -- Passed away peacefully at Cassellholme Home for the Aged, Friday August 26, 2005, Marie Anna Truchon (nee Foisy), beloved wife of the late Emile Cousineau and Arthur Truchon, iTRUCHON, Marie Anna -- Passed away peacefully at Cassellholme Home for the …
- DUFRESNE, Raymond Gerard -- This Kind and Gentle Soul passed away at the North Bay General Hospital Scollard Site, on Thursday, August 25, 2005. Raymond was the beloved soul mate of Jacquie LaPierre,DUFRESNE, Raymond Gerard -- This Kind and Gentle Soul passed away at …
- ALANDE, Paul -- After a brief illness, passed away peacefully at the North Bay General Hospital - Scollard Site on Friday, August 5, 2005. Paul was the beloved husband of Jane (nee Young). He was 55ALANDE, Paul -- After a brief illness, passed away peacefully at the …
- CHRETIEN, Aurore (Legros) -- Est décédée à la maison pour personnes âgées Cassellholme, mardi, le 16 août, 2005. Aurore Legros, épouse vien aimée de feu Ernest Chrétien à l'âge de 98 ans. Elle laisseCHRETIEN, Aurore (Legros) -- Est décédée à la maison pour personnes âgées …
- DEGAGNE, Julien -- At North Bay, Monday, August 15, 2005 in his 70th year. Beloved husband of Jeanne Degagne (nee Leclair). Cherished father of Carole E Hunnisett (Joe) of North Bay and Andre DegagneDEGAGNE, Julien -- At North Bay, Monday, August 15, 2005 in his …
- MAILLE, Edward Raymond -- November 5, 1948 - July 29, 2005 -- Edward R. Maille died peacefully at the North Bay General Hospital - Scollard Site, surrounded by the people he loved; his ex-wife and beMAILLE, Edward Raymond -- November 5, 1948 - July 29, 2005 -- …
- BEAUCHAMP, Eric -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Monday, July 18, 2005. Dearly loved son of Tracy and Raymond Beauchamp Sr. in his 20th year. Dear stepson of Tom Millette. Loved brothBEAUCHAMP, Eric -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Monday, July …
- ETHIER, Celina --- passed away at the North Bay General Hospital, McLaren Site, Saturday, July 16, 2005 in her 80th year. Célina (née Quinn) was the beloved wife of the late Alphège Ethier and lovedETHIER, Celina --- passed away at the North Bay General Hospital, McLaren …
- MATTE, Alma -- Passed away at Leisureworld Caregiving Centre, Thursday, July 7, 2005 at the age of 89. Alma (née St-Pierre) was the beloved wife of the late Joseph Matte and loved mother of Arthur (AMATTE, Alma -- Passed away at Leisureworld Caregiving Centre, Thursday, July 7, …
- OUELLETTE, Claude -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Monday, July 11, 2005. Claude Ouellette, beloved husband of Louise Robidoux, in his 52nd year. Dearly loved father of Lynn Taylor (JOUELLETTE, Claude -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Monday, July …
- BENOIT, Rheo "Leo" At Nortn Bay General Hospital, Scoliard Site, Friday, July 1, 2005. Leo Benoit beloved husband of Claudette Gravelle in his 68th year. Loving father of Mike (Bonnie) of Lindsay, RaBENOIT, Rheo "Leo" At Nortn Bay General Hospital, Scoliard Site, Friday, July …
- BOULLEY, Anthony 'Tony' -- Passed away at North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Thursday, June 30, 2005 at the age of 67. Anthony 'Tony' Boulley was the beloved husband of Caroline (nee Perrin)BOULLEY, Anthony 'Tony' -- Passed away at North Bay General Hospital, Scollard …
- LEBEAU, Lucille (nee Chayer) -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site on Thursday June 23, 2005 at the age of 65. She will be sadly missed by her best friend Clifford Desormeaux. Beloved motheLEBEAU, Lucille (nee Chayer) -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site …
- GAUTHIER, Walter -- Passed away at North Bay General Hospital, Thursday, June 23, 2005 at the age of 70. Walter Gauthier was the dear father of Kim Gauthier of Georgetown, Wayne Gauthier of Lindsay aGAUTHIER, Walter -- Passed away at North Bay General Hospital, Thursday, June …
- PERRON, Gabriel 'Gabe' -- Passed away at North Bay General Hospital, Friday, June 10, 2005, surrounded by loving family, at the age of 80 years. Gabriel Perron was the beloved husband of Beatrice (néPERRON, Gabriel 'Gabe' -- Passed away at North Bay General Hospital, Friday, …
- DUCHESNE, Shirley -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Monday, June 6,2005. Shirley Duchesne, loved wife of John Pearson, in her 53rd year. Loved mother of David Duchesne (Sylvie) of NortDUCHESNE, Shirley -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Monday, June …
- LAFRANCE, Audrey June -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Monday, May 30, 2005 in her 77th year. Dear mother of Tommy (Lynn) of Guelph, Susan Grodzinski (Bill) of North Bay, and Joey (TrLAFRANCE, Audrey June -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Monday, …
- FRANCOEUR, Alexandre -- At North Bay, Thursday, May 26, 2005. Alexandre Francoeur, beloved husband of Laura Francoeur (nee Duguay) in his 81st year. Dearly loved father of Linda Beaulieu (Louis) of OFRANCOEUR, Alexandre -- At North Bay, Thursday, May 26, 2005. Alexandre Francoeur, …
- FEUILLÂTRE, Aline -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Wednesday, May 25, 2005 in her 67th year. Dear sister of Marie-Thérèse Ruaux (Pierre), Monique Boissel (deceased Albert), Raymond FeFEUILLÂTRE, Aline -- At North Bay General Hospital, Scollard Site, Wednesday, May …