N.B. LeCompte & Anderson after being with their families some days returned to the Garrison of York & did duty from 16 to 24th Novr. For which they received pay. Peter Whitney 25 July 24 Aug. Was omitted in the Muster Roll for this month the Pay Lists being completed before the Detachment returned from Detroit, he being in that Detachment - it was not discovered 'till the money was received for and paid to the Company, the day previous to the Embarkment of the same for Niagara. Anthony Gilgore " " On Command at Detroit at omitted to be mustered as above stated William Brock 24 Nov. 24 Dec. Arrived at York from Niagara Lines in the 20 December, and went into the County to see his friends & did not return to the Garrison in time for Muster on the 24th. Signed 12th March 1813. Microfilm t-10384, Volume 17 Documents 31-33 & 193-194 Pages 377-379 & 478-479 Third Regiment of York Militia Captain Thomas Hamilton's Company [Sept 7 to 22, 1812] Rank and Name From To Capt. Thomas Hamilton 7 Sept. 22 Sept. Lieut. Ely Playter " " Ensign William M. Jarvis " " Sgt. Thomas Jobbett " " Sgt. Robert Johnson " " Privates [45] Collin Drummond 7 Sept. 15 Sept.