Sgt. Thomas Humberston 25 Sept. 24 Oct. Had leave of Absence from the late Major General Brock 6th October 1812 Sgt. Edward McBride 25 Aug. 24 Sept. On duty by order of the late Major General Brock 25 Nov. 24 Dec. Detained at Niagara by Sickness Sgt. Thomas Bright 25 Oct. 24 Nov. Had leave of Absence from His Sgt. John Thompson " " Honor Major General Sheaffe 18th November 1812 being married men and their families standing much in want of their assistance Capt. Heward's Sgt. William Huntingdon " " Obtained leave to return to his family residing in the Township of Whitby, they being in great want, on the 18th of November - his aged Parents depending on for support his father is since Dead he was mustered for the month ending 24th December at York as a Private only. Privates [24] Capt. Selby's Martin Stiles 25 Nov. 24 Dec. Was omitted in the Muster Roll He was that same day on Guard Capt. Cameron's Henry Hale 25 Oct. 15 Nov. Had leave of Absence from His Samuel Lewis " " Honor Major General Sheaffe Thomas Simpson " 24 Nov. 18th November 1812 being William Myers " 21 Nov. married men and their families Charles Leonard " 24 Nov. standing much in want of their assistance Adam Ward 25 Sept. 24 Oct. Very sick & allowed to return John Kennedy " " home for the benefit of their Health October 1812 William Lawrence 25 Oct. 24 Nov. ditto Novemr. 1812 John Tirer " " A Musket Ball through both legs at the Battle of Queenston 13 Octr. 1812 & allowed to return home 10 November 1812 Thomas Smith 25 Sept. 13 Oct. Killed in the Battle of Queenston Andrew Kennedy 25 Dec. 24 Jan. Severely wounded at the Battle of Thomas Major " 24 Feb. Queenston & remained in Hospital at Fort George, Andrew