Men's ‘Fashions, Colored Hair ‘Highlight CWL Fashion Show sha sabes look ecaton of ae yes and et = al outfits for spring and summer) ation, with color sweeping the were primary among exhibits/ range Mary Apricot, French which showed many varsions ot] Tis Froste Creve de’ Sdenthe — the) Sunset Orange, Blonde Sherry, 3 7 lst, supplied by Garvey and Wil- t Imott, with the ingredients of] Gr the show, with practical sleeve coolness and comfort well incor-| yo ie and porated in materials such as] S00 grewing cards terrylene, wool and cotton blends, and seersucker. Mrs. John Gurney and Mrs. Red is a top fashion color for} Don Walsh convened the CWL this season, as exhibited in| Show, assisted by Mrs. A. Grevil- vivid red terrycloth bathrobe le, commentator; Mrs. E. Hough- and a casual jacket. The color ton, music; Mrs, M. Muntwyler, also extended in more muted| Mrs. A. St. Louis, decorations; tones to formal wear where a| Mrs. W Saoge ige gh abe red silk brocade formal - wick, tickets; Mra. T. Howcroft, accented by black-satin — Mrs. A. Malane, refreshments. a black continental tie and mat-| Models were: Mrs. Jpeeph from the audience. Ducharme, Miss Anne Gomes, TEAMING UP for their first ‘ight, standing, are: Barbara Seated are: Dorothy Cowles, vice-president, Lois Tufts, director, “Shirley Campbell, re. president, and Joan Hansuld, urer, Janette Lee, director, ‘ (Staff photo) by the University Wea two tickets to the show, were PEOPLE oi & Memen Life Education Program — BRONTE comprises Ontario and the north- Z feBranch of the aa © — Onkville Journal . Record, Thursday, May 2, 193 Needed In Our Schools é The ot Canadian Legion held th agli et aga cea Mag as Benen OL Your friends and neighbors are interested if you have By VIRGINIA THORNE “We are not doing a good job/stand the way in which they re i Bronte Heaney bp luck supper at St. Christ. | Visitors, take trip or have a party. These social notes make WOMEN’S EDITOR pr ehaipac exer portale dirchersts late to others, pick up ideas, and opher’s Church, Guelph Line, on | interesting news.Call Virginia Thorne, Women's Editor, VI &- A program of education to vena ae Roecivs Vos ot persons ‘hay Bob Sim and his sister, Gail, of| Saturday night, were Mr. and| 6237; Oakville correspondent, Mrs. A. 8. Broughton, VI 4-298; teach children how to cope with day's digo pe Crud phar : _| Tansley Drive, were weekend | Mrs, Herbert Schroeder, Mr. and! (Clarksom correspondent, Mrs. J, G. Lee, TA 2-018; er Mrs, L. | life,. marriage and family re- bare nitive thanae! ; “Children should be taught to guests at the home of their grand- Mrs. Gordon Leonard and Clifford A. Simpson, VA 17-1966 for Bronte and Palerme, when you lationship is urgently needed in Capciinaly educated retard oot understand ‘the important effect Sirus ee sat Stes. dsl eae A tia ace ome en have eane news: All Sar wil be} to talk with local schools, William Crawford. | themselves in foe thelr Sonar er ee at DON, ear yea ey cokre lier tore sto executive di of the Family |hasic needs to live. to be sume-|on their liven.” he sak thay? . mem- ‘ ® = Danny, son of Mr. and Mrs.| bers were present from Oakville, Mrs. C. W. Dill, Glenforest, is| turned home after spending six “ge: ernie uaptye bos Age , 00 love and bel/must jearn to live with whet Robert Black, is sick. Bronte, Hamilton and Acton. | Piiessa~3 Bry leprae gets e for months in Venzuela. ing of the White Oaks Chapter,| ‘The foctler pated oot leonard eat EE epee atta 2 Annua Spring t- * = i] I _— ll panne meth _ Friends extend get well. wisbes| Mrs, Grant Bray and. Sére.|the club headquarters on Prince _ Mies Patricia Ann Rayburn, |!ODE, held at the nerninant ie i pene = See pert! Ceubnt ant would Hee " |to Rev. R. Bonsteel. James Scarrow’ are convening a| Arthur Ave., Toronto, on May will become the bride of ©. R- Pritchard, 52 it the Sob. of parents and gt program = rired Dessert Euchre for Firefighters | 16th. There will also be a sale of Gauge Martin at the Church of DAC rites to help culdren unr Socal acooks ant ctsiehes su pem: Gerald DeQuettevile was in| No 1 Auxiliary in the Rebecca| home baking. Mrs. E. H. Har-| the Epiphany on roche om en tae “Edachiio — ys ir charge of the Sunday service at/c¢ Fire Hall this week. greaves, Toronto, is-general con- ea Psdberrara aii rape i Miss seiggl oxe cratic nd ectistapyc there Seeand— ieat vener, Anyone from Oakville| by Mrs. G. Wodnicki and fe) t t ee ee ee Higgins, of the Ontario Temper| Mrs. Robert Rainey, Sixth Line, | Vighing asived | Kelth McMurray the teen ot | F RB Si gm Phi Ch es “8 ance Federation of Toronto, was| will be hostess to Knox 5: ee ae ats Saslatie on Suabeothen TN a Ur Dela ol a apters “There are five basic areas in ithe . te. which people must able to speaker Mrs. guest speaker and David) W.A. and WMS, macing a a Monday eveni: a vi - ae Siri and salar we A A Suit. danger ot ,, Celebrate 32nd Founder's Day. |Site ae: sioey een te fe: ; ; : Winners at the CPT Euchre in) of U-E-Le Capt: aad Bers o mene y said. “They are ang geen Park-| ing were Mrs. Mary Hinton, Mrs.| Mrs. John Ray of Sault Ste. | Montreal, for two weeks prior to | of gave Soca FH oe Bion tead ne eae Wea present family as a unit, pursuance of” dale School in Hamilton Satur-| Smith Hazzard, Mrs. N. Palumbo} Marie visited her ‘sister, Mrs. | taking a position there for the | Riverside Tides on Teas ast of Xi Alpha Eta: Jean eal 2 in |day evening. The proceeds were| and Walter Patten. The draw was | Harvey Dunn, and Mr. Dunn, - summercthonth Riverside Loge on Tucetny night jot 2 Alohs Ris; Jets BEG, | Citcatipa™ 9 personal for S&. David's United Church. won by Mrs, Smith Hazzard. Base Line, on Monday. Mrs. J. F. Graydon, Eighth | The Oakville and Port Credit| Jane Kading, president of Dele He suggested’ that the com Line N., was hostess on Monday | Chaplers were obeegvieg the 22nd| Tau; and Ann Wyndham, social |munity could ‘benefit people in _organization's | sponsor of Delta Epsilon. jneed over above ‘‘doling out just Local friends and relatives ex-| Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Brown, Fors-| Mr. and Mrs. Arold Fish and end congratulations to Mr, and/| ter Park Cr., were guests at the | family, Back Con., visiied friends| evening lo a meeting ba the Hos-| anniversary of the During the social hour mem-/enough-wesifare- money to t Mrs. W. H. Fell of Burlington on} wedding of Miss-Edith Coates to| at Franidord on Sunday. pital Auxiliary t i ablishment; with Delta Epsilon | pleba 7 their 60th wedding anniversary) Michael Forestell at St. Leo's “Hey Day" to win a set ostess chapter for the even- bers played court whist. First | them in existance.” by moving in y, April 30. Church, Mimico, and the recep-| Mrs, Earl Jewitt, Streetsville, | Mrs. M. ues Ses pihig ed ing. prize was won by Joan McEwen. jp ip neil Borgen F tion at the Seaway Hotel follow-| Mrs. Emerson Ford, Oakville, | Th will th aN { XI Alpha Eta, and the booby back their self reepect. : e event at the) Hare Clarke, af the hostess Mr. and Mrs. R. Bowen have) ing on Saturday. and Mr, and | Mrs, Lorne Fish, —_- Mr. and My i‘ ‘S Gaird- | chapter. wat Chairman for the | Pt Elaine Hare, Delta Kap-| At _a business meeting price been visiting in Winnipeg. RR, 1, Oakville, attended St-! ner, “Ed Lakeshore E. pa. plea einer sar Sicey bebaeerarsm Mrs. Douglas Collett will con-| pi ii’ rertary roses heat j banquet which was lollowed ‘by The door prize, a lovely floral ‘discussed’ plans for their Spring _| Congratulations are extended to} vene for Group 3 of Central Bap- tienda’? ae ” a 75 Mr St. Aidar's W.A. meeting next traditional ceremonies, and new centerpiece featuring the soro-|Tea to be held at the home of Mr. and Pesci (Bud) sot Nady tist Mission Circle at its meeting | snq Mrs. Cecil Fiabe Suttalk ae. week will be in the form of a space were welcomed into the rity flower — the yellow rose, | Mrs. Ryland N Lakeshore r wedding Saturday,|on Tuesday evening. A mission- ee! i "i “Film Night’ when films will membership. was won by Kit nn, Xi Al-|Highway Bast, in Mrs. W. April 20, in gin ined Bud was| ary program will be presented. | “{"*"* be chown ot the Anglican Con-| The history of the. local chap” pha Eta chapter, = te Font will be Sag Bion A trciee Broke rome Robert Fulton chaired the meet- |. L¢S Mulligan had the misfor-| gress of 194 and the Lambeth | ters Was reviewed. It was notec bl Congress of.1958. Mrs. Sylvia that 32 years ago, the first chap Mrs. W. Hill returned to her! ing for the Senior Citizens’ Club ‘tune to fracture his leg at Hayes . iday ingri «cy | Farms Limited, Shipway is convent refresh- | ter of the sorority was formed in home in Burgessville last Friday| tact week. The singing of “O last weal seis ieliouing the saeetine: Abilene, Kansas There, are now | ; Mrs. Christopher Young, Brid: 7,000 chapters and 150, mem- ° Ra., is convening the May Dance | , MTB. Joseph Currie, Southview, bers in 14. countries. its tor bus trip to Orillia to visit the | of the Newcomers Club in the | 5 CORSnIM St. Mee he | Others taking part in the pro— Home for Retarded Children, Re-| fine (oom of te arena this | win include Candy, Home Baking, | &T2™ were: Betty McKennel. pia, freshments were served with Mrs. Satie WV SEOR, ‘spon Sewing, Fish Pond, nist; rbara er, w sted | pacer af the club, will be entertained. | 32°" ata White Elephant, ‘There | % chapter activities for the past MOTH ER year; Dorothy Black, who wel- M, MecCraney convening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Muma, War-| Will be @ tea room for the ladies comed the new pledges and also} Sympathy is extended ty , ‘ i OAKVILLE and Mrs. L. O. Grant, pti minster Dr., were week-end ah ae ea booth for the | delivered the special message for | Mary Dr., in the sudden death| gue@ts of Mr: and Mrs, Earl the sorority’s founder; and Elaine |] - ON HER Mr. and Mrs. K. 0. Grant. Ar-| of their son-in-law, Leonard Mar- | Bacher, Cayuga. Mr. and Mrs, M. Feldman,| Hare, president of Delta Kapp, | gyle ue have returned home| cotte, Montreal. Sunday callers formerly of Maurice Dr., have | who read the Founder's Day pled- from enjoyable holiday at | at their home were Mrs. Thomas| Walter Pell, Allan St., has re-! taken up residence on Bridge Rd. | ge. 1AL DAY lDochpero Beach, Florida Beatty, Mrs. Beatty Sr., Harry a a : SPECIAL - H. Hopkins and Jack ose and Mrs. Jean Garbutt, president of : : Oakville Sweet Adelines Chapter,| 7 Ul of Toronto and about twenty members of the| ‘Mr. oy Mrs. William ?} McKay, ‘ Chapter are attending the Region | Glen Dr., visited Sento No. 2. Competitions at the Royal | and Sear with Mrs. Robert York Hotel, Toronto, Wednesday, AMcKay, Dutton. VISIT OUR... A DRESS MEANS A . LOT TO MOTHER WHEN THE GIFT COMES FROM YOU! Pe le # tal eet | Jee BARGAIN CARPETERIA CHICKEN LEGS ... tb oo \ " ‘NOW! = For Spring clean up, SCHNEIDER KENT BREAKFAST BACON lb. 49e sor inte See . ¢ NELSON'S have opened q CHRISTIE MAXWELL HOUSE 1c Coupon Inside STORE a CHOOSE YOUR MOTHER’S DAY BARGAIN CENTER with hun- CHOC CHIPS +5 18. 39¢ COFFEE 1 tb. 77 dreds of small ends -odd ‘size | ‘ALLEN APPLE — re = = Soget GIFT FROM THE rugs - mots -runners, etc. at | | FORTS WHITE STORE WITH THE . : ; fj . OLD Y 1 th. 8 on. ‘ : ter | Fish & Chips 5 5c | Javex Peasy yan SUGAR cps ON FACTORY COST TO YOU ee ) 5 tb. yoo Wait HOLD ANY. Anmicu | —~. COME_IN AND BROWSE... YOU ARE peace M yak . ON .OUR LAYAWAY PLAN ee SURE TO FIND WHAT YOU WANT! . Pesos! argene Ib. of a a} _ SHOP AT HOME SERVICE. HAVE OUR CERTIFIED INTERIOR Coloured Fr | DECORATOR CALL ON YOU, WITH NO OBLIGATION ON YOUR i f KESIDE M k te | BL s | — ONTEL HOPEDALE PLAZA VA TATE |. NELSONS Wi. NOT KNOWINGLY I UNDERSCLD’ | OPEN EVENINGS TIL 9 P.M. | * ieee OAKVILLE #45 - 7631 Trafalgar St.,Bronte VA. 7-1101 MOTHER'S DAY IS MAY 12th