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Daily Journal-Record, 2 May 1963, p. 3

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» . " JOAN BARBEAU AND MARY ATKINS ON SAXS 531 AT BIG CONCERT The Home Newspaper For Daily Journal-Record Halton County Oakville Journal + Pz . ‘Thursday, May 2, 183 — 3 =< TABs. Journal-Record Staff OAKVILLE — Thomas A. Blakelock’s 58-piece concert band and its 2)-piece dance band en- an audience of 531 last whén they picked up their and made music. , marches, jazz, twist you name it they played it. Camelot, South Pacific, and My Fair Lady are some of the biz- name pieces done by the concert orchestra ayed, “When the einai Tt clapped and in rhy Same of the students in the crowd with an ear for per- cussion instruments cheered and whistled after Steve Wilsons drum solo. airkes ‘BANDWAGON” Last t's “Bandwagon” was the first of its kind for the bands which began azo. They were formed by oe for Blake- t.were work- Bening for the r lessons. twice A wee ‘Musicmakers: TABBIES’ DRUMMIN’ MAN STEVE WILSON Bigger Grants Toward Centres Is R Fr Ai a OAKVILLE — Recreation dir- ector Jack Ross will make a bid for more government aid for construction when attending the Ontario Res- tiation conference this weekend. Government grants ‘now paid t construction of communi- ty centres are limited by, a $5,000 ceili Tl He noted that a $5,000 maxi- mum is extremely’ small when considering community centres complete with indoor swimming Pools are costing $100,000+ and Mr: Cumberland also sar that under the new Act, authorities receive a 50 os cent t.contribution toward capital work projects. The community centres grant | grants, setting the maximum at hee o structure was set up in 1946. Recreation eommitice -mem- bers authorized Ross to seek re- form of the community centres He will seek the support of the tario-Recreation Association. “RESCUED PET’ Oakville OAKVILLE The Humane Society has authorized charges to be laid against Walter Mintern, 553 Trudale Court, who allegedly broke two doors at the Society's shelter to retrieve his daughter's pet dog late last week. The decision was made at a Special executive meeting of the society Tuesday. The matter was placed in the hands of Crown Attorney Peter McWilliams. Mr. McWilliams refused to dis- close what charges will be laid. “I don't comment on my inten- tions, he said. "When the charges are laid it will be soon enough to talk about it.” He also said he did not know when the charges. would be laid or when a court hearing could be expected. Mr. Mintern said the dog was picked up by the control officer on Thursday. He paid % pound fees, took the dog home and bought a new strong chain. The dog was securely on the chain at noon Friday, Mr. Mintern said. Liter it was gone. Mr. Mintern tried to get in touch Boys’ Pipe Band ‘Seeks Assistance AKVILLE — Recreation Com- | Finch- Noyes Property : Centre Of New Fight | i'mitiee members agreed last nig i ht to oak pean sie of Counce ncillor ri ony M. Fenton, | town spokesman on the commit- te we, sal id the band would be under he direction of William Robert- “He said some. progress has beer 3 made toward forming a band. but he felt recreation as- pra should be given Society To Charge Resident | with the Humane Society after hearing the truck had been there a second time. He was unable to contact anyone and drove to the shelter. Finding no one there entered the shelter, got the dog nd took it home. WEATHER Sunny and warmer today. Mostly cloudy the day, Winds light today, south- erly 20 Friday. HIGH: Yesterday 49; T’m'row & LOW: Yesterday 30; T’m'row 42 a.m. Ee 3 30. eee sets 8.20. Sun rises 6.07. ACCIDENTS PAST 24 HOURS Two reported’ one involving slight injury tea passenger. 1962 1963 ST mae a Fatalities (The 1963 total Leste 132 roperty mage was less than $100. These were not included in the 1962 sta- tistics.) Polish Day Friday At Burlington BURLINGTON — Friday has been proclaimed Poland's Cons- titutional and Independence Day here by Mayor Owen Mullin. About 2,000 Halton county Te- sidents of Polish birth or descent Accidents = and A dance piece with once a OAKVILLE Private ed firm which hast Councillor Allan Masson told An earlier attempt to organize | are expected to cor oes ' f it will purchase the|the~ committee if ‘“‘sufficient’| a girls’ pipe band failed. country's independence day. To- "oer ever, most cneaee ager wntown site pressure was brought upon the | Director Jack Ross agred to| night William Jakubianiec, of of this band = rom (hat some = . town, it may be possible Oakville | contact Robertson, Burlington, president af the Po- cert band, This m 2 ad tte c hie would consider ex Moi a | A the same committee meet-| lish National Union of Canada, of the acces practi _\ ating the Finch-Noyes prope ing. reereation members said| will read Mayor Mullin’s procla- nights a wee! lay on the dance vty ey | “Then we could proceed with | they would Jeave progr: amming | mation to the Polish people in Those ise Bp feaeaisrait olay ‘umberland. chairman | i ,recte ation centre ag plan-|the town's tennis courts up to} Central School Auditorium. eee SL cheek atte Most are lle Recreation Com-|” | are Biers | Members of the | Burlingios rig ee Jeven and twelve ' binst night si ri sl loves owner and in on-| Ross reported to the meeting[ branch of Polish National in grades ¢ =a iio ‘nriotes : Tacs ad Fine! Non id veloper Jocl Monger 4 private drain running across| Union of Canada are building a ks la 3 ave: jst started mu- E pinta 40 aris has announced he will s¢ n “the town property was responsible | National Hall on Fairview Ave- many who be a q | Amateur Artists os iL . ther = mn : os site to Alias, [sa xr flooding at Palermo Park, He| nue, which they expect to open ie, clases this Ai es at the suc IStS centre Were pos Morgenstern revealed his inten- | sal d the dra ain has been | plugged. ' Jater this year. é tab tions after failing over a 10-year : = of Bandwagon was: raainly ay es ; invited To Ey xhibit tl The centre would form part of period to have the property aad due to the fact Pat Teac gr ti WENDY YORK eet THE SHOW = The _j;a “Confederation Mall" scheme! zoned for commercial use. Perea ated that he Was * sie Counties in cone] Bre ntly by Oakville! Morgenstern had hoped he Here Is Puzzle No“ with his young musicians. junction with t Ree Brie’ and planner Jolin] would gain the rezoning and con- ed” wit AEOTION 7 reation ari pre ull ial Sm struct a large downtown super- M Membert of the concert hand ne it Shae. ¥en y Or will hold ar : n the | ya th would connect the | market on the property. Re. Michael | Se nM li and)” ' i eee 4 a centre | ‘The botiom fell out of his re- Se Seat Sica Bob yt ~ 2 ‘Bu amateur. arts} 2%@ on Vt { Centra ty hoal Ce silt zoning bid earlier this year when " } Shaub, iu o ro : Fild’ H ) bir d to evhibit ther |" ural centre by a mill) Oakville withdrew all support my, mer ta ot Som) Aydience ver Her Songs shih their | ta enst and weet” aloag| ot en spplcation belore the ‘On| Richa Saati, ich iEtalls. « Reaional Show. bere a | tario Municipal Board. Paul Teaver, John, Feeney, Phil in "Tha rest have be May 5 = 96 in Gatt| He Das pr ypased the scheme |——— : : Steve Leaver, John ’ ti t , or thé..time ¢he sa stetrty 1s Onkville’s project to mark f, = a Qarwood, Peter alge te I. s. by oh ai with Sr nah (tennial year in 1967; IMPAIRED DRIVING t Anderson, Des Kilgour, K. Mice) i TeSeeragploe a utting apartments the _ Oakville police arrested Charics Ron .Armstronz, Paul ' ane Satie Riitca. Taal he at Massey Hail foyes would ki i this whole | Ray Lewis, 68 Woodlawn Avenue} ere re Sutherlt sei Mar-| mri et tO alee “cenit ari tim ted c, Margay Roberts, | West, Toronto 7, on Highway 2 1 Sma Smith. Rar- Teor ! ‘for a New York mu r person, no Recreation * Contin ittee|early Thursday morning and ont hice si nn, (ie? kee | ed by Broadway Produce "6 inches, wh said at last night's pea him with impaired driv- one Fenton, Patricia Cornwall, a r ee or woah = t , ) in a previous association | ol} was one of two peay ie priv-jshow. The shows are open to as- ho MeWhirter, ‘Ron Vander | llezed to be auditioned on tie ts sation members, ‘amate vis aT * el wna pmain stag she remarked. She|ists and art students wos , 3 ee eee, Assistant Direct 7s : | Vike: iad isn't cho sen for-the part. but | Peel Dufferin Wi yee loo and od F _ Mickie Cushnie. Dane sia We iy n er by the producer | Wellington counties | Rosalie Lewis, Sees Fat | | which pre “dic ited succes for her, )/-— | rian | nett, G : ‘Tersigni, Peter Gillespie, Faye, Terance oor: Keith Stainton, ey | PERCUSS Robert Campbell Susan Bum- by, Steve Wilson are: Gary christ. Tiernay, Brian Shil- | bers of the dance x Gil Michael it OAKVILLE — Recreation Com- i ei | Gambling Charge Ficles © members have accepted! eries being paid playground-st MILTON — kignation. of. assistant rec-| fer& were not ‘competitive’. t of A man wih jaid H i relation director Katherine Mac-} was 1 1) disturbance charges agaifist two Millan. a : fenced help. th] (all Ontario | youths found hinis« if chane ad wi Mis iss MacMillan's resignation} jo.were chosen) kecping a common gaming house. | was received last night. i pay BUDGET ii Se orf sown at Mas) = ice ae the ae ee agi ity, | Director Jack Ross said it is a The new salary scale {is inclu- > fo Me ole sire Wendy He “Main i Athens |S rte e Solty,| “erucial’ time of the year to)ded in the Recreation Commit-| in fourth s ne sid. eeua zi ‘s St, aft ie: wike staff changes, however, he] tee "s $47,000 budget for pre. : * school year of 9651-62, thee xy him to quell a ‘distin’. Gea ‘ed Miss MacMillan was! Twenty playgrounds oy! oper | cy we +e “r ; : se endy was. one of ho were Sol ; _ | leaving the recreation field. summer, six more thaf Inst year. 5 A siarals hasen from 200 to atte: vd an inter- | ity pleaded not guilty. His}, She is a graduate of Michigan} Ross expects more than 3,000) but there medi ale music course at the/Cise was remanded one week) State University youngsters to participate in play- Playground Theme ‘Canadiana | Earlier he complained that sal-| faced with losing experi | af-| He | in the following list: The correct name of the town in-Purzie- No. 19 wilt be-tound weve "David Kelly, John Feeney. are > | University of Toronto. yesterday by Magistrate Kentiet! poss recommended promoting! ground activities. x ny iene Fr alfch oak “for "Gakvi lle's “young star | Wendy was on tt radio in Langdon. ; stali member Linda Begnett to} He skid the theme for play-| Fusilier (Sask.) ear Mary Atkins, Joan Bar- Stover ould be heard to: sey a aakieg when she was in Pig sretinn'von charges pregacd by] fill the vacancy. Ne ground Rell will be “Canadi-'f- Glover (B.C) Ee iiane Yacobe, Chris, Dear-|° o S#V\grade nine, ’ proprietor agdifist Ciifferd| Another staff member, Marie) an’ search for a program | . aa ans vacone, Cine Dears | She's rc Kt x a fine voice} She said her main ambition Is|Thring, 17, of 12 Ann Blvd., and) Cross, will be promoted to pro-| to coat "Canada's 1967 centen- | Gypsum <NOH) ee teeee Frey, Petr Gir... ta ___|recording. She hopes to do this|Bruce Crewsgn, 18, of R. R. 6] gram director this fall, he said. |nal celebrations wil PoE, lespie, Dianne -Sim R Norman! Wendy nber _ furt|in_ New York. this sum she | Milton, were dismissed. | Ross reported he is now hir-| ,This year will be a dre sis re-|| Gardesi Head (Sask.) ian. ay os ian hier, sai teak raat But shejsaid. “P've always wanted to be| At the trial Constable Ted Ken- ting stalf to operate the 20 sum-|hersal of what is to come,” he) —_ A eerie Devieigner | BUYS, bobs d *\a singer and woule 1 ike tn male | neds i said the two youths were) mer playgro unds. reported, en enc aia Wy (ga = i” i ee Wn ni ng le ad ee er cee eae Na York of 2 who san “rn | She says sheehas composed ns ‘ gpsath aking music rs a y claimed they knockec lined. in the 1 butiget have! planners would meoe the their 1967 Never Walk sek. aad “Have I i composed aml) leesons for the pas two. “yer ars at] ms vash register off the counter| made it possible to hire back] pageant around the book * fold You Lately?” ve I\set words to about 10) songs.|the Royal Conservatory of Music| and. spilled coffee over news-| most of the youngsters who staf-|vcille and the Sixteen,” a his- ¥ ; |"But only 30 of them are ood in Toronto. papers. f last year. ‘torical poe of Old Oakville. ee ey Ty oo ‘ |

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